Other Characters (Fawn)



3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Lawful neutral


Fawn Hirvensarvet

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Sexuality: Unknown 

Height: 4'11ft/150cm - Not including horns

Species: Anthropomorphic Whitetail Deer/Anthousa Nymph

Occupation: None

Personality: She's kind and somewhat thoughtful, however she can be quite blunt and will usually be nonchalant about it. Despite this, she'll always try to be the person who solves most of the conflicts, in the nicest way possible, although she words her resolutions horribly.


-She lives in Highlands with her mother and father, who is an anthropomorphic white-tail deer

-Sometimes, as a random gift or last minute gift, she'll paint a pair of her shed antlers into the favourite colours and patterns of the person she gives it too, her friends had love it and even have used it for their arts and craft, Saccharo has used her pair to make a life sized skeleton diagram of Fawn

-Her favourite flower is the Convallaria majalis, since her father would grow them for her

-If someone dude ever told her that she would look more like her dad, then she would look at you as if you're stating the obvious 


-Akin to almost all creatures of the Nymphet family, she can heal wounds and cuts(no matter how deep) by licking or spitting on it 

-She one for the rare Nymph to have an obvious genetic aspect of from their father(antlers), her antler can grow to the current max size of a 3 and a half year old deer in just under a month, after that they shed and start regrowing in about 24 hours