Elijah Penrose



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info



Name Elijah Penrose
Age 21
Height 168 cm
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Daiyamondo
Taken No
World Earth
Job Male Prostitute
Status Active

gentle • shy • introvert


Elijah had always been an average student and that had also been enough for him. The Penrose family was strictly religious, seeing quite a lot of worth in the old traditions and also the traditional picture of a family.Average was enough, as long as Elijah didn't misbehave, act up or write grades bader than average. Though trying to fullfill the role his parents wanted him to take, Elijah had differences with some the views of them, especially as he noticed, that he never felt attractions towards females, but people of his own gender.
Originally, he wanted to hide those tendencies completely, but that was before he met Vincent Zheng. Vincent was a student a few classes higher, a rather inconspicuous guy, however decent looking and with a good character. Elijah and him often met in the free hours inbetween school and Elijah had quite a good time talking to the older student and vice versa. Though having planned to keep his homosexuality a secret, Elijah soon developed a major chrush on 
Vincent and therefor a pretty strong desire for him, which was hard to ignore. He tried to get to know Vincent more, showing small sighs of his interest towards him, hoping he'd get the massage. It didn't take long and he couldn't contain the words anymore and confessed towards Vincent. Of course, he wasn't really surprised and for Elijahs luck, he seemed to return the feelings. However, he promised to love Elijah under one condition – they'd have to keep it secret. Elijah promised that, of course, as he himself had to keep it a secret towards his parents.

Elijah had a pretty nice relationship with Vincent, they dated for quite a time, though never going further than kissing and other tendernesses. They had this kind of relationship since quite a bit, as Vincent's father found out. Other than confronting both the boys, he waited to catch Elijah alone. Showing his true colors, the father told Elijah that he had laid an eye on him for quite a bit and was quite willing to not tell their "little secret" to Elijahs parents, if the boy also managed to please him.Though, with "Pleasing" he actually ment "Pleasuring." Powerless in the situation, Elijah had to comply.

He continued to date Vincent quite a while, meanwhile also having to comply to the dirty secrets of his father. Elijah suffered under this relationship, being forced into doing things he didn't want to do – especially not with the father of the boy he really loved.Trying to force Elijah into a thing particularly far out of his comfort zone, Elijah tried to defend himself, telling the father he did not want to continue this relationship and threatening to tell everyone what he had pushed him to do. The father was not having that though, he would take what he wanted, so he tried to force himself on Elijah – who didn't want to go down with a fight however. In a desperate try to get away, he hit the father over the head with a lamp that was standing on a small table next to the bed.Powerless, the father fell to the ground, Elijah fastly scrambling his clothes together and fleeing the scene.

Actually he had planned to tell Vincent about the whole situation the next day, but the father was faster. Before Elijah could react, his secret was out – more of, the father even told his parents, that he had tried to seduce him and as he declined, knocked him down.In that day, Elijahs whole life crumbled to pieces. Trying to explain it to his boyfriend was useless, as he of course believed his father more. Disgusted and furious with Elijah, he ended the relationship, vowing to never see the blond boy again.Shattered, he walked home, only to be met by his angry parents – whom threw him out of the house, father shouting furiously and mother not even able to talk through her tears.He should never show up again.

So there he was – sitting on the street with all his stuff, no money, no job, no anything.Elijah was powerless – again. His self-esteem was completely down, as no one – not even his own parents believed him. Pushing though, he lived some time on the streets, as he was approached by an older man with fancy clothing. To Elijahs surprise, he offered him an apparent and job in his bar. As desperate as he was, he signed the contract without completely reading it.

The job seemed fine, the colleagues were nice and so was the apartment. It was a bit awkward at first, as the "Bar" was actually a Gaybar, but Elijah was just glad for this chance.
However, in the blink of an eye, he got told that he didn't just have to be waiter, but also take on "customers". Reminding himself of the terrors he had with the father, he tried to decline, however, he had already signed the contract, so there was no going back. Since that day, he's working as a prostitute at the Gaybar Black Cat.

Written byHimmelskerze

  • Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.
  • Proin semper libero non leo maximus fringilla.
  • Nullam scelerisque orci suscipit nunc venenatis facilisis. Duis eget urna vulputate augue mattis dictum. Morbi suscipit ac urna ac posuere.







  • Cross Mode
  • Crystal Storm

  • Sweets
  • Flowers
  • Singing
  • Cuddles
  • Anime/Mangas

  • Violance
  • Sleeping alone
  • Being pusht
  • Horror Movies
  • False hopes

Name relationship

Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.

Name relationship

Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non. Sed placerat erat consectetur nibh sodales ornare. Quisque at est nec ante pellentesque mollis rutrum eu tortor.