Anchor (♡| Sanji)



Basic info

Age Currently 20
Gender Female
S.O. Bisexual
DoB July 14
Sign Cancer
Height 5'6"

Feelings towards Sanji













Current relationship


Desired relationship




After saving Anchor from a wrecked ship, she promises to do anything for Sanji. Convincing herself she can protect him makes her past catch up to her, but Sanji just wants to understand and protect her back. Very generic Sanji loves a woman but she's broken (instead of hurting him she loves him back that's the twist)

My Kind Of Woman

I will protect Sanji with my life..

Anchor-Swaaaan~! I made you breakfast, Anchor-Swaaaan~!

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Relationship story

First meeting

Sanji first meets Anchor after the Straw Hats come across a pirate shipwreck and decide to stop to look. As Sanji looks around a certain part of the wreckage, he finds Anchor. She was huddled up, cold, hungry and all around very weak. He was about to react in the way he always does with women until he sees her cower. He changes his approach, he asks her things gently.. and she's able to give basic answers, though her voice is raspy. He asks her permission to come through the wreckage to carry her to safety. Anchor is a little hesitant, but when Sanji holds out his hand to her, she takes it, showing him she trusts him. Sanji then makes a path to carry her out safely, as he does, parts of the ship jab into him and hurt him, but he powers through. Anchor takes note of this.. Sanji then carries Anchor out of the wreckage.

Anchor seemed to be freaked out about the others in the crew, even when Luffy approaces her happily, she freaks out a little. Because of this, Sanji and Chopper are put in charge of Anchor's recovery. Sanji offers up his room and Anchor stays in his bed all hours of the day as Chopper performs check ups on her. Sanji cooks her food, brings her drinks.. Sits with her and talks to her.. She's not ready to talk about what happened to her, so he steers conversation away from that. Even at night, Sanji ends up sleeping in the kitchen to give her space. He went above and beyond for her.. Anchor continued to take note of this.

Anchor recovered enough to walk and talk normally, and she immediatelystood tall in front of the crew, now less vulnerable, she could speak her mind. She starts by thanking the crew as a whole for their hospitality, but that she won't be staying on the ship. She has a home to get back to, and asks them to drop her off at the nearest land so she can start making her way back. Hearing she's planning on leaving, Sanji's a little heartbroken. He got to know her well enough as she was recovering and genuinely liked her. Nami is the one who tells Anchor that it would be better if they just take her directly to the island. Luffy only agrees because he thinks by the time Anchor gets to the island, she'll change her mind and join his crew..! Anchor agrees to Nami's offer, but notices Sanji's demeanor..


Ahh, it's okay! I won't come any closer.. What's your name?




During the journey to Anchor's home island, Summer Haven, she would often stand outside on the deck at night, looking out at the sea in the dark. She couldn't see anything, and that was probably the point. Sanji would watch from afar before approaching her. Every night, he'd get a little more out of her. She thanked him for his care for her, though she did not understand it. They'd talk about things.. Summer Haven, The Baratie, All Blue.. Things that filled them with happy nostalgia. There was even a night where Sanji saw Anchor almost crack a smile of some sort.. It was clear she started to feel at ease with him, but still claimed she wanted to go home.. On the final night before reaching Summer Haven, Anchor trusts Sanji enough to tell him about her. She reveals to him she has a devil fruit, the Kenko-Kenko Fruit, the ability to swap health states from the user with another person. She tells him she was on a pirate crew, but her captain had gone berserk and killed her crew, leaving her as the only survivor. Sanji is obviously concerned about this traumatic event she had gone through, and when trying to comfort her, Anchor shrugs it off, she feels like she deserves to feel so down, considering what she did. To scare him off, make sure he doesn't miss her when she's gone.. She tells him the rest of the story. She cut off her captain's head and threw it into the ocean. This was meant to scare Sanji, but instead he stands his ground of caring for her. Anchor asks him why he would want to be around her after hearing that.. But Sanji tells her that if she was really a malicious person like she claimed, she would have used her devil fruit to swap their health states and escape when she had the chance. Anchor can't argue.. and heads to bed.

They arrive at a destroyed Summer Haven. Anchor is in shock, but gets off the ship anyways to look at the wreckage. When she jumps off of the ship and runs in the direction of her parent's old home. The Straw Hats, not letting her go in alone and very against the idea of even leaving her there in the first place attempt to run after her, Sanji immediately follows her in front, with a few StrawHats behind looking at the wreckage. When Sanji finally catches up with her, she's just in shock at what she's seeing around her. No survivors, nothing. They eventually find out Summer Haven was destoryed by a vengeful monster, that monster being Anchor's captain that had unknowingly eaten the Modoru-Modoru Fruit, giving him the power of reincarnation into and creature he wishes. Anchor's freaked out, seeing her old captain and abuser as a giant half man, half kraken in front of her. Sanji's ready to defend her though, along with the rest of the Straw Hats. After the fight and all is said and done.. Anchor pays her respects to Summer Haven and those lost in it, Sanji stays close to her. Anchor talks to him about how she regretted leaving Summer Haven back then, how she took her family for granted and didn't realise what she had until it was gone. Sanji asks if if she's been considering joining the crew.. The panel cuts off with Anchor turning around, teary eyed with a smile, the first genuine one she's had this whole time. Anchor explains how taken aback she was by the support from the Straw Hats, how they helped her get revenge for her home island and put a monster somewhere where he could never harm anybody again. She thanks them, from the bottom of her heart, and vows to fight alongside them, if they'll have her. With that, Anchor joins the Straw Hat Pirates. Not only that, she vows to protect Sanji when she can, for everything he did for her.

From this moment on, it's clear the two act loving towards each other, Sanji more of a "lovecook" around Anchor after this and she reacts to it quite positively. She's 100% comfy around Sanji. Anchor isn't the best with showing her emotions, but does love him a lot. They often fight alongside each other and Zoro.


I... Will dedicate my life... To protecting you!


W-wait Anchor-swan! Let me protect you!


After the timeskip, Anchor and Sanji see each other on their return to Sabaody and have a very tearful and loving reunion :,) being apart from Sanji for so long really effected Anchor a lot, but she's so much stronger now, she wants to protect him even more!

Their relationship doesn't get a spotlight again until Whole Cake Island. With Sanji gone to marry another, Anchor is extremely crushed, she feels like her trust has been broken entirely.. Until Sanji expresses to Luffy that he wants to go back to the Sunny. Anchor, even though she was hurt, jumped right into action to help save him. At a point during the arc, Anchor expresses her frustration with Sanji for leaving, even though she understands why, she has a right to be upset! During her speech to him, she confesses that she loves him more than anything, and wants to be the one by his side. Anchor's still figuring out how to express emotions.. Give her a pass :,) She loves him so very much

After Whole Cake Island though, they're still close. Anchor forgives Sanji for breaking her trust. Sanji dotes on Anchor as usual. That's where they are right now!


Please... Never leave again.. I can't take anymore..




  • Anchor often jumps out in front of Sanji when she sees him in trouble, something Sanji will get upset about especially if she gets hurt
  • Sanji does turn all lovecook when he sees women even with Anchor, but she doesn't mind it. She's used to it and knows that her and Sanji have a connection that goes beyond his lovecook persona!

Basic info

Age Currently 21
Gender Male
S.O. Bisexual
DoB March 2
Sign Pisces
Height 5'10"

Feelings towards Anchor













Current relationship


Desired relationship
