Damar (On Hold)



4 years, 3 months ago


- Name: Shalight

- Gender: male

-Age: 187 years old

-Birthday: 03/17

-Species: skeleton

-Size: 1m83

-Best friends: ?

-Likes: magic, discoveries, answers to questions, the starry night, readings, his brother (Mex: D), madeleines

-Hate: suffering, abandonment, too hot temperatures, sadism, mistreatment

- Pet: x

-The profession: x (being of the moon and the sun

-By default: they cannot have all of their abilities at the same time. He is easily offended but will not show it.

Specialties: at night, it is faster, clever, discreet and stealthy. By day he is stronger, focused and determined. It gets its strength from the sun and the moon. His Magic double-headed stick helps him better use his abilities. it can bring up creatures half element, half skeleton (especially wolves and owl)

-Character: determined, curious, obstinate, clumsy, endearing, charming, intentional, protective, teasing,

- Intelligence: 5/5

--Strength: 5/5

--Popularity: 1.5 / 5


Story secret, on a project, but you can ask for know it on my MPs on Instagral @Azura_Leïssi  .

-------Project: Red Moon