
4 years, 3 months ago


Name: JO

Occupation: Airforce Pilot

Gender: Male

Toy: Hyena Plush

Specialty: dog fights, intimidation (intended or not), plane mechanics, close combat with small weapons or fists

Weapon: Sopwith Camel model plane, knives, wrenches, fists (or anything that he can lift and chunk at people who piss him off)

Personality:  JO is rather intimidating due to his appearance, aggressiveness in  combat and his short fuse. Make one bad comment or snide remark to him  and you'll find your face in a wall. Joe has a sense of humor but is  very touchy about certain topics,and when he does laugh it's seen as a  threatening behavior by other or as a fake humor due to the hyena  cackle. He enjoys cooking but he's not very good at it and most things  he makes only he could eat, being a scavenger as his wild brethren. He  can be a "garbage disposal" of sorts for any spoiled or rotten foods as  they don't have any affect on him, and is very gluttonous if given the  chance to eat more than his share. Jo is never hostile toward females or  the young and is very nurturing and kind toward them, a 180 flip from  his regular behavior, going out of his way to make sure they are happy.

History:  Jo was a collectors item being constantly transferred between human  hands for money, they also persisted in dressing him in feminine  clothing which he detested. He never got the chance to feel attached or  belong with any owner. Some he never even saw since he was stuffed in a  drawer or box most of the time before being brought to life at the base.  He wanted to see the light of day and the human greed that kept him  locked up slowly caused a dark resentment to grow inside. He now seeks  to assist other plush to be freed of human confinement as he was and to  keep others from having to go through the torment he endured.

Rank: Airman

Extra:  JO's Sopwith camel plane is red with black hyena skulls painted on the  wing tips. He always tries to bring back some souvenir of his victories  over the human race, such as small trinkets or accessories.

Jo has high arm strength and sometimes can be seen balancing on his arms alone, he also can pick up most toys with ease.

When  not in combat JO moves considerably slower and is more lazy in  behavior, often napping in his plane or stealing food or leftovers from  the mess hall.

JO like to chew on toothpicks and anything tough,  bones, jerky, metal screws, ect. Most of the time this is done  subconsciously and if mentioned he stops. He also has one snaggle fang,  his lower left canine,which protrudes out of his mouth even when closed.  

JO dyes camo patterns occasionally into his fabric.