Shimo Mau





Name Shimo Mau
Age 16
Height TBA
Weight TBA
Gender Transgender Girl
Pronouns She
Birthday February 8th
Occupation Demon Slayer
Breath Style Breath of Ice
Rank TBA
Design Notes

Contrary to Nigami and how they look rough, Mau has a much softer appearance.


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  • As is tradition of Breath of Ice users, Mau trained in the Hidaka mountains before becoming a demon slayer.
  • Mau is mute and has learned JSL along with the other members of her team. She is often seen carrying around a notebook which she uses to communicate with others.
  • Mau participated in the same Final Selection as Umino Yuuta.
  • As with all Breath of Ice users, Mau is incredibly sensitive to heat (or lack of heat). She is able to locate people within a limited radius of herself through this, and is able to see through tricks and illusions that deceive the other senses.
  • Mau's parents were killed when she was just a toddler and the same demon responsible for their death raised her up until she was killed by demon slayers. Despite finding out the truth, Mau does not hate the demon, nor does she hold a grudge against demon slayers.

Mau's parents died while she was still just a toddler and she was taken into care by the same demon who ate them. Growing up, she was labelled a cursed child and ostracized due to the fact that anyone who came into contact with her would mysteriously disappear. It wasn't until meeting Nigami that she came to learn of the truth behind her parents' death and the disappearance of the villagers. Feeling responsible the demon's actions, Mau joined the Demon Slayings Corps to atone.


  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA

  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA

Nigami | Teacher


Himejima | Senior


Haru | Close Friend