John Morgan



4 years, 4 months ago



I've got a burning love
And only you'd put out the fire
I feel Like I'm a Winner
Because you're mine
Name John Morgan
Name Pronunciation/ˈdʒɑn/
OccupationMobile Suit Detachment Commander
Status Married
Design Notes
  • Originally based on Sergeant John Forge in appearance, but artist interpretations have changed his appearance over time to his current design, which is now considered to be more or less his canon appearance.
  • Ethnically western European, Anglo-Saxon in appearance.
  • Clothing is usually flight suits, fatigues, rarely dress uniforms. In a more casual setting, t-shirts and jeans are the norm.
  • Has a few minor scars, largest ‘scar’ being his synthetic right hand.

Former EFSF Mobile Suit Test pilot, notable for original testing of the RX-251 Gundam Starburst, went missing for a few moments during test sortie due to [REDACTED//TOP SECRET CLEARANCE REQUIRED//DOCUMENT ACCESS LOGGED.]

As an ace pilot and incredibly powerful newtype when paired with his partner, Carmine [[SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENT, ATTACHMENT A3]], John is skilled in piloting advanced Newtype use mobile suits such as the already legendary Gundam Packmaster, and is more than capable of fighting and commanding attached mobile suits, both Gundam type and otherwise. A level headed pilot, his skills are augmented by a neural link with the Packmaster, as well as utilizing Carmine’s integrated link to the suit as a secondary pilot, capable of switching between targeting and piloting duties at will.

Quick to anger when his partner is threatened, he’s shown power rivaling even that of Amuro Ray before his disappearance during the Axis Shock, capable of even reaching Newtypes he’s interacted with millions of miles, or even multiple years in the future at the height of his power during the recently declassified Cyber-Newtype Crisis.

Despite his professionalism in the open, John is more of a joker than he likes to admit, constantly raising Londo Bell Commander Bright Noa’s blood pressure through antics both mobile suit related and otherwise in a way that’s only tolerated because of shared experiences.

During the destruction of the original Gundam Starburst and his “rebirth” alongside Carmine, John’s right hand was severed by an enemy at the time, below the elbow, and replaced with a synthetic of unknown origin. A red crystal embedded in his palm facilitates a deepened link between himself and Carmine, her own core residing in her chest.

  • His severe appearance makes him seem constantly angry at a glance, but he’s a joker far more often than anything else. Actual outbursts are usually only seen in the cockpit or when he feels as if he’s been tricked or betrayed.
  • Never expected to be a parent, but met both of his children on battlefields, pulling a gun on one and shooting the other one down before finding out their identities and relation to him.
  • Far too protective of his lover/wife to be healthy, is even clingy in some senses, despite his large frame and severe appearance.
  •  Right hand acts as an interface with his mobile suits, allowing mirrored movements for the right hand of the mobile suit, as if controlled directly by his hand.
NT-D (Newtype Destroyer)

 A mode originally hidden within the programming of the Gundam Starburst, was kept after the Starburst’s destruction and transferred to the Gundam Fenris, and after an upgrade, to the Gundam Packmaster. Used in conjunction with what was originally the WOLF AI (now Carmine Morgan), the NT-D allows highly increased capabilities to both the pilots and the mobile suit itself.

Newtype Projection

Allows him to enter a special realm accessible only to powerful or attuned Newtypes. Most of his major battles have taken place here.

The Soul Forge

 A link between himself and Carmine through their core crystals that links them together in a way that allows one to feel what happens to the other, including pain and emotions, and it’s theorized that if one dies, the other may very well follow through a sudden cessation of bodily functions due to bond shock, or their mind may be irreparably shattered by the loss of their soul partner. It’s possible John may physically be strong enough to survive a loss of Carmine, but wouldn’t survive the mental and emotional trauma that would follow such a destructive event.

A prophecy brought into being during what was dubbed in closed records as the Logos Incident, around the time of John’s near death and Carmine’s birth. The prophecy reported there would be two, one of light, and one of shadow, ultimately revealing that the two lovers were each one part of it, with John being the light. In those battles that the prophecy has come true, John has been shrouded in pure energy, taking the form of something half-Gundam and half-Federation Marine armor, and has wielded only a massive greatsword so far against an equally large axe. With no further conflicts appearing to require such a power, it’s likely John may never utilize it again, but while he and Carmine continue to grow closer, it’s possible this power may only grow if it’s ever needed in the future.


Yeah... not today, rofl - Arcade