Angelica Smiley



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Real-Life Birthday

April 28 [2015] [Taurus]


Angelica Smiley - she/her - 22 - human
Mixed American (white/mexican)

Jockish - Preppy - Nosy - Athletic - Troublemaker - Smug - Prideful - Fun-Loving - Socially Skilled 

The daughter of an affluent doctor and an accomplished athlete herself, Angelica is a trendy it-girl who everybody thinks they know-  but she's got a lot more on her mind than just her next tennis match.

- Pro tennis player, hobbyist basketball player. Super athletic and overly competitive
- Social butterfly and very likable but has a smug attitude
- Self-proclaimed daddy’s girl (spoiled and knows it)
- Loves hearing people’s secrets and is extremely good at keeping them
- Extremely bright, goofy, and outgoing to mask an inner shyness and lack of confidence. Secretly very very invested in being liked and maintaining her social standing

- Her own worst critic, often feels like she’s falling short or isn’t living up to her potential. Worries that she isn’t empathetic enough inside
- This difference in her outward behavior vs her internal thoughts makes her appear very different in the Dream World than in the real one
- Has a deep voice with a prominent valley girl inflection

- Favorite color is baby blue
- Fursona is a snail
- Is a trans woman
- Surname references her winning smile

Lee Smiley - Father. Loves her dad dearly but makes a point to stay far away from his personal craziness. Struggles to and is afraid to connect with him on a more personal level than the type of bond they've had since she was a little kid
Wilson Grey - Friend and brother figure. Used to pick on him and still does but it's friendly now. Bullies him/acts like an older sister to mask the fact that she actually thinks he's really fascinating and likable