Wilson Grey



7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Real-Life Birthday

Jan 7 [2015] [Capricorn]


Wilson Grey - he/him - 23 - human
Mixed American (white/black)

Smug - Outlandish - High-Strung - Expressive - Creative - Imaginative - Brainy - Superstitious - Villainous - Paranoid

A young man suffering from nightmares discovers that the places and people he sees in his dreams at night are real. Through his journeys in dreams and in the real world, he uncovers deeper truths about himself, his past, and the nature of human consciousness. 

- Smug oddball
- Has psychic powers - has a sixth sense about the state of the dream world and can poke around in other people's minds while asleep. Has a huge amount of power and control in the dream world, more than most figments. Can also sometimes manipulate his surroundings w spikes of brain power (gets mad and makes a lightbulb explode etc)
- Thinks he's all fucked up and evil and acts like he's a supervillain but in reality he suffers from chronic just some guy syndrome
- Can come off as excessively paranoid and critical of others, and has a tendency to lurk
- Has a very rich internal life and experiences the world through the lens of his own imagination, for better or for worse
- Extraordinarily creative overthinker tormented by visions
- Falls asleep often during the day, sometimes with his eyes open. He is an overall physically weak man with a poor constitution
- Speaks very deliberately with a slight trans-atlantic accent
- Loves his mom so much its literally unreal

-  Favorite color is baker-miller pink
- Fursona is an octopus
- Has poor balance & uses a cane at almost all times, sometimes a wheelchair
- Has no muscle control over his right eye, so it remains closed
- Has OCD
- Is a trans man
- Surname comes from gray matter, referencing the brain

Elaine Grey - Mother. Their relationship has gone through lots of hard bumps but they still love each other unconditionally. Used to hide a lot from her & felt really misunderstood but eventually learns to let her in. As an adult he is way closer to her and considers her the most supportive person in his life. He recognizes there's a lot about her he still doesn't know
Angelica Smiley - Friend and sister figure. Used to bully him and still kind of does but its good-natured now. They like making each other mad but Angie is way better at it
Audric Acerbus - Estranged father. Was assumed to be dead based on stories from his mom. Initially thrilled to meet his dad but after discovering the truth about what happened between him and his mom Wilson wants revenge. Has a period where he tries to seize Audrics power and unwittingly starts becoming like him (he reflects and snaps out of it dont worry)
Malcolm Finnegan - Friend and father figure. Starts out as a horrible vision tormenting Wilson but accidentally befriends him. Wilson thinks he's totally insane at first but grows to respect and understand him, looks to him for guidance in an abstract way
Lee Smiley - GP and father figure. Wilson has been seeing him since he was a baby and trusts him completely but also finds him intimidating/overbearing in a dad way