


7 years, 11 months ago




Female • 21 • Japanese

Ayame is very independent and mysterious and tends to isolate herself from other people. She was born under a wealthy and powerful family, but both of her parents were killed, which resulted in her cold and stoic personality. She didn't want to let people in in case she would lose them again. She is what you would call a tsundere. She is able to perform dark magic, specifically darkness/light/shadow manipulations. She rarely uses her powers, as she is still learning to control them (otherwise she can cause mass destruction). However, she knows that one day she will have to use her powers.

L I K E S : Being alone, tea, reading, large poofy dresses, rainy days, dark chocolate

D I S L I K E S : Being around strangers, bright colors, anything cheesy or romantic, revealing clothing


Yukiko Best friends She is the closest to Yukiko. Yukiko is only person who Ayame told about her powers. She is also the first person that Ayame opened up to. She hopes that the two of them will be able to maintain their friendship forever.
Ume Close friends Even though the two of them are the same age, Ume is like a big sister to her. While Ume may sometimes embarrass Ayame, the former always looks out for her. Ayame hopes that she will be abole to open up about her powers to Ume.
Hatsuna Good friends She bonded with Hatsuna mostly through their mutual understanding and experience with having "cursed powers." Ayame feels that Hatsuna understands her the most and will usually confide with the latter about controlling and understanding her powers.