🎊┊Fletcher Holm (★ RPG Au)



7 months, 10 days ago


The Hero 


NAME: Fletcher Holm
AGE: 20



SPECIES: Human, he thinks?
HEIGHT: 5'9 ft; 175 cm
VOICE: n/a

● Has a good relationship with slimes.. all variants of them! Fletcher seems them as, like.. strange dogs.
● Doesn't do well with new places.. which is why it was a great idea to make him travel the world in order to save it.
● Fletcher doesn't actually know how to use a sword? Which is why he's weirded out that he suddenly does. Where did.. where did that knowledge come from.


This really what y'wanna do with yourself?


Jus'another town to save after this one, yeah?.. hope there's a lil'less hellfire.


Fletcher was-- is? your average, everyday citizen of Everburn. Small town sort of guy, mama's boy at heart and a helper to many! Sure, just about everyone in town knows him.. but it's hard not to know all your neighbors in a place like Everburn. That being said, Fletcher is an all-around regular guy! He'll wake up, berate his sisters for staying up later than 1am with those kids down the road (again!), run his mother's parcels to the Ranger's Guild.. then do it all again the next day! Life is regular, and it goes on and on the very same.

Well, until some thousand-year undead god decides to bestow a quest upon you in your sleep. Oh, and hands you off some ancient blade in said dream sequence. Then before you know it your face is plastered on a bunch of wanted posters, Petra wants your head on a pike, Callum wants the very same (seriously, Fletcher thought that guy was cool) and you've gotta skip town for a bit to try and clear your (very innocent) name.

Yeah, he had a rough start.

But then you go through some yadda yadda with a street magician who begrudingly teaches you how to hold your own, extend a hand to some new allies, and then beat (swordfight?) some sense into the Ranger's Guild.. and things start taking a turn for the better! Especially when Petra, uh.. demands you let her accompany you as an act of forgiveness. Oh, and that other guy is there.

So, yeah. Fletcher is on a quest. A pretty serious one, if that.. oh, what was their name.. Mortis? had anything to say about. And hey, he's got some alright teammates by his side. So, with that in mind, he might be able to take on that resurrected, unholy mess of a megalomanic god. Alongside their two, uh.. sheesh, what should he even call them. There's the funny guy, who's funny up until Fletcher starts speaking to him. Then he looks at him like he shot his family, which is.. kind of awkward. And then there's the polite woman, who's polite all up until they remember she's on the opposing side. Again, sort of awkward.

Whatever the case, Fletcher has a lot of work ahead of him. But with his allies (some begrudgingly, others not) he feels that.. he might be able to do it.


Thousands upon thousands of years ago, when the all-encompassing harbinger of life and death as it was known sealed away their most trusted partner, it came at a similar cost. With their very own soul sealed away, the harbinger left their soon-to-be deserted body in the safest place they could imagine, until they could one day awaken once more. An empty husk in life yet an all-seeing force in the restless world, wandering the soil that stood under all the life that they wrought.

But time goes on, and terrible, sealed-up forces only stay sealed up for so long.

When this happened, the harbinger had no choice but to turn for help, seeing as their own body was.. out of commission, so to speak. The only option they had what to seek out someone they could call a hero. They're unashamed to admit that they played up the importance of who they chosen-- it always made them more.. open to the idea of working in their favor. So with a mighty weapon of the past and a oversimplified version of the harbinger's need to defeat an old, vengeful god, they watched their new hero set out.

As of now, that harbinger is still unsure of if they made the correct choice.. or if they've doomed another innocent to an unknown fate.



  • colorful murals
  • slime petting zoos
  • forest travel


  • bustling cities
  • "holy" imagery
  • illusionary tricks

Fletcher is a well-rounded guy! Or, he'd like to think he is?

The byproduct of some game developer's dream to players and a hero to all otherwise! Fletcher was created in the image of what you'd expect from a hero-- undyingly faithful, unbelievably kind and unmistakably friendly! Really, they checked of all the boxes with this guy.. but a lovable protagonist isn't so lovable without a few flaws, and this hero makes his apparenty with ease.. maybe he puts his faith in others a little too easily. Maybe he struggles a little too much with striking down the baddies when the time comes.. might be why he hasn't actually managed to do so, yet. Sheesh, he's lucky they're susceptible to joining his party.

Overall, he's... your hero! He's everyone's hero! The one you look up to and hope for when the going gets bad, the one that everyone hears about who's coming to their rescue.

But it's only a matter of time until that changes. It warped the last beyond recognition, and it'll get to this one too.

Give it time.



Petra Pagan

Formerly the de-facto leader of the Ranger's Guild and one of two who temporarily manhunted Fletcher out of his own home! Good times, good times.. whatever the case, after clearing that mess up, Fletcher has to say that Petra might just be one of the strongest people he knows. Sheesh, she might be the strongest person he knows.. he definitely doesn't want get on her bad side. He's, uh... really lucky that she decided she wanted to be on his team instead of the opposite. (Seriously, she kicked his ass that one time.)

That, and.. it's nice to have someone around with a good head on their shoulders. He hates to admit it, but their party is kind of.. lacking in that. She takes up the leadership role when he can't, and that's.. pretty brave considering their circumstances.


Callum Caston

And then the other half of the Ranger's Guild who committed to Fletcher's manhunt! Good times, good times. (Although, Callum was a lot less terrifying about it than Petra was.) Callum is-- pretty silly, and that's a bold declaration coming from Fletcher of all people. They feel like two sides of the same coin sometimes. Still, Callum has his perks, and Fletcher would be pretty lost if the Ranger's Guild hadn't decided to join their expedition.. even though Petra pretty much signed Callum up without his say-so. Lucky that they're attached to the hip!

Callum is nice to have around when the going gets tough. Even if most of the party would rather die than admit it, the guy can be pretty witty.. on occassion. Though, weirdly, as much of an open book the guy is.. sometimes Fletcher feels like he's not being entirely honest with him.


Park Eun-ji

The far more intimidating half of the pair that makes up Eun-ji and Benny. Eun-ji is tough-- and she knows it! She's happy to flaunt that much and she was ever since Fletcher first met her. They're.. pretty lucky that she was willing to extend a hand to them back in The Junction. They would've been pretty lost, otherwise.

Much like Petra, Eun-ji is one of the strongest people Fletcher knows, and he holds a lot of respect for her in that regard-- which he's sure she's aware of. Maybe she even takes a bit of advantage of that, but he knows she's got the party's best intentions in mind. Especially considering her other half is stuck with them for the ride.


Benjamin "Benny" Suárez

When Fletcher first met Benny, he might've screamed. In fact, most of their party did. His and Eun-ji's whole thing is.. kind of terrifying to comprehend at first! Being a facet and manifestation of your life-time companions power is a lot to take in for a first meeting.

But getting past all that, Benny is.. nice to have around! He's silly, albeit in a way that's far different than Callum's brand of silly. Fletcher would be lying if Benny's whole deal still didn't freak him out a little-- seriously, you see the guy phase through stuff? it's a whole thing-- but... he's getting used to it, with time.


Trace Galloway

There's.. a lot to unpack, when it comes to Trace Galloway. One half of Cain's entourage and the cause of a lot more problems than the party was needing, as well as the cause of a lot of.. complicated thoughts. By all accounts, Trace isn't meant to exist-- not as he does now, at least. And the fact that he somehow managed to keep himself around is.. a lot to think about. Especially when Fletcher himself was (allegedly) most of the reason for doing that.

Yeah, the pressure was kind of on.

Despite all that, Fletcher is... Fletcher is glad that he's here. And he struggles to understand if that's because of what they were at some point, something that only the old Fletcher will remember, or because of what they are now. Being on a world-saving quest really isn't the best time for this kind of crisis.


Wynne Bourne

Wynne... Wynne is a lot to think about. Sometimes, Fletcher.. still isn't sure how he feels about her. He knows that they're kind of indebted to her for not letting them die-- though, he's pretty sure she mainly did it for Trace.. but sometimes he's still vaguely unsure. That doesn't mean he hasn't put his utmost faith in her-- not like they have a ton of options. Besides, he's.. pretty sure that she won't do anything with her other half around.

Outside of all that, Wynne is... strong. Frighteningly strong. Something that comes with being one of Cain's two underlings, if he had to guess. Even though he's meant to be the hero of this story, he's almost certain that without the party by his side he'd be lost against her. Good thing she's on their side, huh?

soramafuurasaka - Role-Playing Game