


9 years, 2 months ago



Name : Brush
Age : 26 (Human)
Birthday : March 16th
Species : Canterwit
Gender : Male
Pronouns : He/Him
Flower : Wildflowers
House : Delamere
zodiac : Aries
Canterwit Life

His flowers are wildflowers, which are a royal status symbol in the Canterwit world. In having wildflower magic, Brush has more magic abilities than the average Canterwit who are only capable of growing a single type of flower. Wildflower Caterwit, by tradition in the royal family, join house Alderley - however Brush aspires to pursue an athletic lifestyle and joins house Delamere instead, causing him to resent his family's opposition to this. In protest, he does not wear his crown.


A stoic, standoffish and solitary prince - Brush speaks to very few and prefers to keep himself most of the time. Brush is athletic and aspires to achieve his own dream without his expectations as a prince hindering this. He is greatly supported and encouraged by his childhood friend, Brambles, who he owes his confidence in his dreams to.

Species Lore

Canterwit are magical fairy creatures which represent a unique type of flower! At the start of Spring, they leave their home realm of Anther to travel to Earth and grow their flower, and by Autumn they are exhausted and return home to recharge their magic. As their magic is strengthened by positive emotions, they participate in uplifting activities to prepare them for the next Spring cycle! To encourage their passions and friendships, Canterwit align themselves into one of four houses for friendly competiton and allyship among fellow housemates.


  • He is the type to not get a joke minutes after it's been said. And when he does finally get it, he probably won't laugh, just nod his head in understanding. His friends often find this funnier than the joke itself.
  • Brambles is the first true friend he ever had.
  • No matter the occasion, he is always on time. He is never late for anything.
  • He is incredibly bad at consoling people. If someone starts crying, he literally has no idea how to respond.
  • Around strangers, he's essentially mute, but around people he's interested in he can talk nonstop for hours about his passions.

  • Fitness & Sport
  • Marmalade
  • Listening to Brambles
  • Accomplishing his goals

  • Receiving gifts
  • Tradition
  • Small talk
  • Being micromanaged

Brush lived a quiet, secluded life throughout his early days. His status as a prince earned him a tremendous amount of praise from peers, which he had grown to detest. He disliked being seen as a token prince while his accomplishments and passions were swept under the rug in favour of the fact that he was royalty. Through childhood, his greatest amibtions had him constantly pining for adventure beyond the capital, beyond Anther as well. He loved his family an incredible amount, but he wanted to understand his true potential. Eventually, Brush was introduced to a library boy named Brambles - who, at first, he was completely guarded around, but eventually let in. These two formed a friendship that allowed Brush to step outside of his comfort zone and try new things he wouldn't have dreamt of otherwise. Brambles inquired what Brush enjoyed doing for fun, and Brush had very little to say. His cheerful friend full of boundless ideas and energy introduced Brush to sport, which is where he discovered his passion. In present times, now that both Brush and Brambles are young adults, the two of them explore outside of Anther year after year and travel on an endless amount of adventures with one another. Brush proudly represents house Delamere, a firm rival of his best friend's, but this definitely adds a bit of friendly fire in their relationship. As the two of them continue their adventures, they are sure to document everything they do.