


7 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Chelsea Lao Bright










Multiple shades of pink and purple; the base color is a light magenta. Highlights lean more towards a pale coral, and shadows lean towards purple and indigo.


Black, fading to pink at around her elbows.



Chelsea is very much the spoiled, pampered princess. Literally. She is extremely used to getting her way and self-righteously fights against anyone who denies her what she wants. She's generally very cheerful and happy, and can easily be impressed. Chelsea is the curious sort and often asks questions, but she's not terribly worried about the feelings of others and sometimes is very blunt in her inquiries. Her greatest concern in life is her brother Garth and his physical and emotional safety. She goes to great lengths to do whatever she can to help him, from hiring personal body guards to threatening people who may use him. The people around her don't really question her big brother complex, but it aggravates her that none of them care about him at all.


Chelsea's mother Ellen was one of many followers of Rahvin, the god-emperor of their country. He was a god of wishes, granting the desires of the pure-hearted who sought him out, and his immortality allowed him to continually watch over his people. Young and dedicated as she was, she approached him with the wish that he would fall in love, rather than being alone all the time. Moved by the unusual wish, as all he had ever granted were wishes related to others, Rahvin granted it by becoming personally involved with his people and kept Ellen at his side to ensure that her wish was being granted correctly. It wasn't long before he actually fell in love with her, which caused a stir. Rahvin had been known to take lovers and have children, but for the first time, he showed an active interest in a specific individual. Rahvin called for the end to many traditions, one of which included an end to a group of highly trained individuals that were to keep any of Rahvin's children from trying to overpower him. Within a year, Chelsea was born; Rahvin's fascination and involvement with her affected his people greatly, and everyone treated her with unprecedented respect and attention, for one of his children. Chelsea spent the first two years of her life with both of her parents, but her mother quickly grew ill, passing away while her daughter was still young. 

Despite that, Chelsea never lacked for anything. If she wanted playmates, she could easily find anyone who would accept her terms and happily play whatever she wanted. She didn't think too much of material possessions, as everything was easy for her to come by. Instead, Chelsea grew to love knowledge. She questioned anything that she didn't understand and grew pleased everytime she learned something new. It was years before she realized that she had an older brother who lived practically alongside her. Chelsea was initially upset that he had never bothered to meet her, but she was very quick to realize that no one seemed to pay him much mind in the first place. She took it upon herself to give him all of the attention that he was missing out on. Chelsea became very fascinated with Garth and found that she liked the way that he didn't feel obligated to agree with everything that she did or said. He was quick to become her favorite person, even in spite of the seven year age gap between them. 

She was hugely upset when her brother decided to leave home, especially when she felt that she couldn't travel with him. Chelsea felt that her proper place was with her father and his people, who were also becoming her people. She begged Garth not to leave, but he remained firm in his decision. After he left, she learned of the previous assassin group that was to kill all of Rahvin's potentially threatening children. She was assured that she would never be a target of the group, and that it was only a threat to the chilren older than her. Chelsea was ever more alarmed at that and sent for a bodyguard to watch over Garth, offering a hefty price in exchange for his safety. She didn't hear from Garth until he unexpectedly returned home one day, bringing a group of friends that included a bodyguard he introduced as Zeph. Chelsea was instantly taken with him, spending almost as much attention on him as she did on her brother. When she learned that Garth had come for a forbidden power from their father, she grew anxious. She warned Zeph that the power was too dangerous and that Garth shouldn't use it, giving him a charm in the form of a bracelet to use if he was ever forced to use the power. Time passed before she saw them again, but her brother brought a girl with him this time. Chelsea was extremely jealous of the obvious affection he had for Reina and, when he stepped out, she made sure the older girl knew her displeasure. Chelsea specifically warned Reina against ever hurting Garth and the two of them exchanged somewhat harsh words before Chelsea retreated. She was so upset that she couldn't bring herself to even face Garth before he left again. She avidly threw herself into her studies since then, hopeful that he would still come back to prove his safety and continually worried that Reina would keep him away from her. 


It's presently unknown whether or not Chelsea has any special abilites of her own. As the beloved child of a god, she's very much expected to develop at least one impressive ability, but not even her father expects that she will reveal anything too soon. 


As a pre-teen, Chelsea is very emotional, especially where her brother is concerned. Garth and their father are the only two that are ever truly spared her full range of emotions, as her mood is instantly lifted by the presence of either one of them.