Sadie Wright



4 years, 3 months ago


Sadie Elizabeth Wright
Cis female
Marching Band


firgun • noceur • redamancy • aspectabund

Bright, vibrant, and almost always happy, Sadie is well known among her peers for being the human personification of a ray of sunshine. Sadie, or "Sades" as her family affectionately calls her, is very exciteable, and can be somewhat of an idealist. She loves to see the good in others, and would prefer to see her loved ones happy whenever she can. This doesn't mean that she ignores their problems, though -- if someone around her needs it, she is more than willing to offer a shoulder to cry on. However, Sadie is also very emotional, and while she wouldn't describe herself as a empath, she is pretty easily affected by others' emotions. On top of that, Sadie is also very stubborn, sometimes to her detriment. While her intentions are good, sometimes the execution comes across as less than ideal. She considers herself to be a social butterfly, and very much a people person. She loves meeting new friends, though there are a few that she sticks close to and has close, familial relationships with. She is a talented musician, with a heart for adventure and exploration in all things. As her friends so affectionately say, "love is stored in the Sadie."


  • her friends
  • giving hugs
  • staying up late
  • her boyfriend, Brad
  • rats


  • being pushed away
  • being forgotten
  • feeling upset
  • those around her not being okay
  • being ignored
❝ you gotta break some rules sometimes! life's more fun that way!! ❞


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• 4'11", average build and weight, lightly tanned skin with lots of freckles

• shoulder length wavy hair dyed purple (natural color is light brown), with a hairbow on each side

• brown eyes

• two piercings, one stud in each ear

• wears PVHS blazer uniform with overalls

• wears overalls with assorted pink and purple shirts, with knee-high socks and Brad's varsity jacket

• wears slightly worn out tennis shoes


• Sadie's favorite film franchise is Stellar Warfare.

• She has two pet rats, Cheese (male) and Brie (female).

• Her favorite genre of books, TV shows, and movies is sci-fi.

• Sadie has a chronic knee injury as a result of a bad fall in volleyball.

• She has perfect pitch.

• Her favorite Sanrio character is My Melody.

• She is highly allergic to bees.



Brad "Reggie" Burns

Sadie's boyfriend and soulmate. A chance encounter is what caused them to meet, and ever since the two have grown extremely close. Sadie adores being goofy with Brad, giving him affection, exploring strange places with him, and generally having a good time. While Brad has a lot of self-doubt, Sadie tries her best to uplift him, and show him the Brad that she sees and loves. Little do either of them know, though, that this life is not the first where they've fallen in love. Visit their ship moodboard here.


Felix Reid

Sadie's "not-brother". The two initially met just by chance, but after a while started to get really close. Sadie thinks of Felix as a nicer version of one of her brothers, while he thinks of her as the weird younger sister he never had. While the two do argue every once in a while, they're very close with each other, and Sadie makes sure Felix knows she always has his back.


Bailey Evans

Sadie's section leader. Head of the Low Brass Mafia, Bailey is one of the seniors that Sadie really looks up to. The two are friends outside of band, though, and Sadie often goes to them when they need friendly advice. They're both massive jokesters and like to mess around, but when it comes down to it, they're there for each other.



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