Virago (new bio test)



Where there is heroism there will always be hope.
Full Name
The Bearded Lady
3 years
Birth Name
Vira, Duckling
Content ##, ####
Single | Shipped with 1 , 2 , 3
People are drawn deeper into tragedy not by their defects but by their virtues.

This box does not scroll. An introduction. Keep it short and concise.

Height 32"
Build Lean, but toned with muscle
Fur Type Silky smooth, plush
Weight 75 lbs
Tail Big and poofy
Scent Damp earth and vanilla



Erica Lindbeck


All of Virago's scars resulted from the war against the Hive and were acquired during the ambush on Aryn.

The scar on her hip is healed, and will eventually not be visible as fur grows back over it. The scars on her face and shoulder have healed, but are deep enough to be permanent.


Her only possessions are the Luna moth wings which belonged to her late mother. Before her mother said goodbye to her daughter, she left her moth wings in her care. Her mother died soon after, and Virago has held onto her mother's wings ever since. She wears them at all times and doesn't allow anyone to touch them.

  • These are design notes.
  • List down miscellaneous aspects of your characters' design.
  • Feel free to go in as much detail as you'd like to.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Iste architecto inventore repellat atque.
  • Voluptatum asperiores assumenda, repellat, veritatis vel obcaecati unde harum voluptate distinctio sed ea. Nobis quia molestias sit?
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Obcaecati cumque qui laboriosam, aliquid, nam fugit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro fugit excepturi dolor accusantium assumenda, odit unde repellat vitae ea consectetur quas eligendi corrupti eius sint ut est natus esse aliquam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veniam voluptatibus aperiam ratione perferendis iusto.
  • Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptates ad molestias necessitatibus. Amet facere nemo dolorum velit incidunt esse exercitationem unde, perferendis magnam architecto blanditiis sint quibusdam eos deserunt provident!
Designer Me :3
Obtained N/A
Worth priceless uwu  |  Proof
  • These are artist notes.
  • List down what you'd like artists to know when drawing this character.
  • Keep this short so that the artists can easily and quickly understand what you'd like for them to keep in mind.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Iste architecto inventore repellat atque.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At earum temporibus et voluptates cum unde exercitationem illum, rerum facilis provident. Delectus fuga recusandae, praesentium officia labore corrupti laudantium unde itaque.
Alignment Lawful good
Archetype The Rescuer
Demeanor TBA
Temperament Phlegmatic

Before the war, Virago had been a very different wolf. She'd inherited her mother's fire, and ever since puphood she'd given the strong impression of being a mean-spirited, angry little girl. As a juvenile, she was quick to anger and fought anyone who she suspected of belittling her. Even into her young adulthood, she remained argumentative and defensive. But then, everything she'd come to know and love was stripped away by the Hive. All she had left was her brother. They'd never had the best relationship, but they cared for each other as fiercely as any other siblings would. From that point on, she made an effort to change. She wanted to be better.
Over the course of the war, she grew into a mature young woman. The fire that had been so prevalent when she was a child now only comes through when she's been pushed too far. The strong emotions that had presented themselves in bouts of anger and fiery comebacks, she now channels into things that are more productive. She has a great capacity for strong emotion, but these feelings no longer often present themselves in such prevalent ways as they once did.

[determined / steadfast]
As she's matured, Virago has grown resolute in her desire to improve herself, whether that be on a personal level or in her duties as a Vanguard. Her resolve is firm and unwavering, despite any difficulties she may face. At times, her desire to progress makes her stubborn and her care for herself goes to the wayside, but they never get to a dire point.

[protective / devoted]
While her loyalty isn't freely given to just anyone, those she has given her loyalty will not have it so easily taken away. She's firm in her devotion once it is given, despite any personal reservations that may arise. To those she views as family, she will protect with everything she has. After the death of her parents and sister, Virago has become far more watchful over her remaining family and doesn't take any insults or harm done to them lightly. Should the harm be deemed severe, those who have caused it will be dealt with with an iron first.

[honest / genuine]
Straying from the truth is not something Virago has ever been particularly good at, for better or worse. She's a firm believer in telling others like it is, even if she must deliver a hard truth. Her words always come from the heart, never spoken with any hidden intention. If something comes out of her mouth, you know it's exactly what she thinks.

Virago desires strongly to be useful and to stay true to her word. If she makes a promise or pledges herself to do something, she will do everything in her power to make it happen. She can be counted on to do what is asked of her, or to at least do what is asked to the best of her ability.

[virtuous / selfless] -- new
Her parents, her sister, and so many others died protecting their loved ones and the rest of the Domain during the war. They made the greatest sacrifice, giving their own lives for others. Their bravery and honor are something that Virago deeply admires and aspires to. She wants to be someone worthy of her family and her Skuld, someone honorable. Virago put herself on the line many times, fighting for her packmates, for the Fellfangir, and for the Domain. She strives to hold herself to a high standard and to live her life according to what would make her parents, and herself, proud.
Seeing so much hardship and grief during the war has shown her how much ugliness exists in the world, and Virago does what she can to lighten the load of it all off of others. She has been through a lot and she will always try to spare whoever she can from that same pain.

[closed-off] -- new
The years have been anything but kind to her. The loss of her family and the place she called home in such a short time hit her incredibly hard, and she will not allow herself to endure that sort of pain again if she can help it. Her brother is the last remaining member of her family and she considers him her only confidant and the only wolf she can fully trust and confide in. She keeps others at a comfortable distance, not wanting to become too close to them and invite any more close ties. Her friendships, she keeps to a minimum. The few she has, she only allows to grow to a surface level. Deep down, she wants to feel connected. But her fear of the pain that attachments bring is far stronger than that desire.

Positive Traits

determined genuine virtuous honest

Neutral Traits

passionate devoted protective selfless steadfast

Negative Traits



  • the sound of ocean waves
  • rain
  • her family
  • moths and butterflies
    • they remind her of her mother
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  • satisfying her own curiosity
  • being helpful/useful
  • peace and quiet, when she wants to be alone
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  • lies, even ones meant to protect her
  • hot/humid weather
  • sand in her fur
  • incessant chatter
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  • The Hive
  • seagull cries
    • thinks it's the most INFURIATING sound in the world
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Goals & Dreams

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Worries & Fears

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Mechka left his pack behind and began a long journey to find his family, one that his beloved mate, Arcuza, simply could not take. Chandor was left without one of its bears and had lost one of its members. Luckily, it would soon gain a few new ones. In the winter, Arcuza bore four healthy pups, one of which was the gentle, but seemingly mean-spirited, Virago.

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