


4 years, 4 months ago








Unknown (Adult)


200cm / 6'5


  • Half aquatic reptilian-fish alien thing (can breathe underwater or on land, spends most of his time on land)
  • Got introduced to weed and liked it a bit too much
  • Knows English and perhaps also other human languages. Probably smarter than he looks
  • Will talk about anything and get lost in what he's talking about constantly
  • Has deep appreciation for barnackles for some unknown reason
  • Weirdo, but charismatic and likes to chat
  • Chill and avoids conflict but could defend himself if need be


  • Thingies on his head, back and tail are a mix between fins and crest. (Harder than fins but softer than crest if it makes sense?) They're shaped funny and some are disconnected from each other but they're not feathers/fur/whatever else.
  • The rest of his body is covered in scales (more fish than reptile-like scales) He's not slimey like a fish tho
  • Upper (dark) arms are meant for swimming (big finger webbing) and lower set of arms (white) are for grabbing things (minimal finger webbing + long fingers). He has only 3 fingers and a thumb in each hand
  • Orange 'spike' thingies on the back of his head, sides of the tail and back of the arms are crests, like on a lizard.
  • Blue and orange blend can shift a little or go a bit dimmer/more saturated depending on how he feels but most of the time he's vibing



Io is accompanying Cass and her crew to gather parts needed to fix a vehicle that will let them move from their city to the city that they assume is less damaged and not anarchic. He doesn't really care about the end result, he's mostly there just for the journey and friends made on the way (and enemies made on the way. Actually mostly enemies made on the way.)


He lives on a planet with two major human cities seperated by a rocky, volcanic area - [BLUE], mostly made out of science facilities and populated by their employees and AI, and [ORANGE], a residential place for regular people. Both cities were struggling with pest that came from the volcanic region, called ruby locust, a well adjusted and hard to kill species of bugs that seemed to constantly grow in numbers and function like a hivemind. [BLUE] tried to control their population by creating an artaficial "natural" enemy for them in the form of fully self-sustainable drones. The plan backfired though, and it turned out that the bugs ended up merging with the drones and were not only still multiplying, but also got upgraded by the tech, making the problem even more urgent as they started to heavily damage the cities, ecpecially [ORANGE] since it wasn't as heavily protected and pretty much depended on [BLUE]'s tech. The scientists of [BLUE] were able to create a weapon that would deactivate the synthetic part of the upgraded bugs and hopefully at least revert them back to their original form, but that would also affect the robots from [BLUE], essentially killing them. The robots weren't so keen on dying and humans didn't want to accept their counter-suggestion of exterminating organic life instead. A conflict broke out and most humans from [BLUE] either got killed or kicked out to live in [ORANGE], which was now in ruins due to the damage caused bu ruby locust. [BLUE] cut contact with [ORANGE] leaving it in anarchy, while they focused on protecting themselves from the pest rather than fighting it, and became arguably he safest place on the planet.

Far background/Species lore

Io's species are native to the planet that the story takes place on. They are intelligent, but they were not really advanced technology wise before the humans came to colonize the planet (I think the farthest they went is like, metal tools). They didn't feel the need to go further than that though, and they tried to just live like nature intended to. They usually had small villages on bogs or near lakes, but there were also a lot of nomads that wandered where they wanted to. They are not emotionally attached to their families, their parents just leave the eggs on the ground to hatch and natural selection does the rest. They usually don't know who exactly their parents are nor how old are they because no one feels the need to keep track of it. They get to pick their own names, and even though they could come up with something crazy they usually just pick short one or two syllable names or simple sounds that they like. Io hatched when humans have already colonized the planet, but he was living in some bog village for the first few years of his life. Later on he started to wonder about human tech and culture, so he moved to the city where he learned a lot of both useful and useless knowledge from the internet.


Io considers Blichtr a good friend. They met a while after the city turned into an apocalyptic disaster. Blichtr was traveling around as a merchant and Io was just sticking around and helping out since he had nothing better to do. The help consisted of acquiring goods from various places (collecting valuable-looking items, stealing or trading for other garbage) and moving boxes, restoring things that could be restored etc.

Cass and Io met because Cass was a returning client in Blichtr's shop, usually looking for repairs for her battle vehicle. She and her crew were trying to repair the only way of transport out of the post-apo site they are living in. Io decided to temporarily join her to help finish what her crew started, and is helping her accomplish it to this day. The two have many differences, and even though they often annoy each other, Io appreciates Cass' company nonetheless, and she cannot complain that Io offers his help for free.

Rune was anohter addition to Cass' new crew. Rune's species are unable to talk any normal language so he talks to Io in sign language. The other crew members didn't bother to learn it too, so often they just ask Io what does Rune want when simple gesticulation alone doesn't work. Io considers Rune a friend, but Rune seems indifferent to any of the crew members.

Yuty is the newest addition to Cass's crew. Even though she is not the nicest person, Io welcomed her aboard without any questions. Even though Yuty might be a bit harsh, she's still more fun to talk to than Cass (who is a total fun police). Io likes to chat with her, he's probably very aware that he annoys her and she has no idea what the hell is he blabing about most of the time but he just doesn't care if she listens or not.

Lockton joined Cass's crew alongside Yuty, though he feels out of place. Io doesn't have much of an opinion about him, they don't get to talk to each other often. Nonetheless he appreciates Lockton's usefulness and he's up for a chat if there's any opportunity for it.

Zenith is Cass's pet bird-dinosaur-cyborg thing. He has a mindset of a smart parrot. While Cass uses him as a lookout and treats him like a trained dog, Io's interactions with Zenith are more loose and chill. Io might have taught Zenith some words; Zenith perhaps dances like a parrot when Io plays bass

Marlin is a very chaotic individual that Io has mixed opinion on. He sabotaged the crew's alliance with Yuty and Lockton once, helped them another time, then came back being sketchy again. It seems like he has a neutral opinion about the crew, and so is Io's opinion on him. Though Io still remembers that Marlin tried to attack the crew, he would probably be able to forgive him if he came over with genuine apology. He knows it has a very slim chance of happening and even if it did, Cass wouldn't accept it, so he just doesn't think of him much.

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