Ki Aquila Octavius



4 years, 3 months ago


Ki is one of the four main protectors and peacemakers of Inkopolis City. Maya's adopted sister. She's an abnormally tall giant squid who lost her sight when she was a small baby, but it doesn't really bother her that much. Being unable to see, she has a mild addiction to soft things and satisfying textures. Ki loves hugs, pets, pats, or any physical contact that means a comfortable safe space and has her own set of audiobooks to listen to if she ever needs to stay home, or gets too anxious to go outside. She's amazing at diffusing conflict without violence. Tamika is her ghost partner, they quietly and calmly do their specific job in the safety of the background. Away from chaos where Ki can process her surroundings.

- completely blind
- always has Tamika around (does not have to be drawn)
- Charger main, she has good senses due to being blind from birth
- In a relationship with Akulan