Okono Aquilla Felis Octavius



4 years, 3 months ago


Okono is one of the four main protectors and peacemakers of Inkopolis City. A main leader. He brought his best bro Adzu along in the job to help himself stay calm. He's much more chilled out and calm compared to everyone else he works with. Calmly strutting through his work with a cool 'Owo' smile, despite all his health problems, allergies and strange cat mutations. He has side jobs in comedy shows and loves working on any transportation machines people throw at him, but isn't afraid to walk up to someone and slap them if they step out of line. People look to Okono for assistance more than everyone else because of his chilled attitude, and he's more than happy to help them, even with his anxiety. His ghost partner is Leonardo the healer.

- Always has Leonardo around (does not have to be drawn)
- Always has a cat face.
- In a relationship with Maya