


4 years, 2 months ago



Name Kevin Zhao
Gender Male
Age 17 at death
Ethnicity Chinese
Flower Creeping speedwells
Masterlist Entry 2 #0008

Kevin Zhao was at best a hard worker and at worst a dislikeable and lonely person who could not get along with others. His parents pushed him to be perfect in every aspect of academics, as they had invested a lot in his education from a young age. He wasn't allowed to have friends over and so he either kept to himself or stayed in the 'nerd' group, yet even so didn't feel that close to anyone there. He liked a white girl, but before he could confess he overheard her talking about how she hated chinks. In his senior year when he got rejected from all ivies, he couldn't take his parents' disappointment and killed himself.


  • Easy homework
  • Alone time
  • Playing games he's good at
  • Getting compliments


  • His parents
  • School in general
  • Racists
  • Yelling



CONTENT WARNING: Contains mention of suicide

Kevin Zhao had strict Asian parents who did extremely well as first generation immigrants. They met in college and had similar hardworking ethics and married and had one son, Kevin. From a young age, there was pressure from his parents, teachers, and extended family to do well academically. Unfortunately, the pressure manifested as anxiety instead for Kevin and he grew up being scared of failure to the point he sometimes wouldn't try new things.

He would often get yelled at if he didn't do well, but his parents wouldn't ever hit him- Only use words and take away or destroy things that were precious to him. He tried to get into art once after his parents signed him up for a realism painting class after his grades started slipping in art, and when he started doing it more as a hobby, his parents became worried. One day in a parent-teacher-student meeting, his middle school teacher mentioned that he's been making fun doodles on his test sometimes and even though the teacher enjoyed seeing it, his parents became upset that he wasn't spending as much time studying and even doodling on classwork. As a result they destroyed his paintings and took him out of art classes. He distrusts his parents and most people aroud him because of experiences like this and has a hard time sharing things he likes with others- Making him more of a dislikeable person.

Kevin's parents impacted his social life as well, since he wasn't allowed to hang out with many people outside of tutoring or study groups at most. He didn't really know how to make friends or keep them around, and anyone who got interested in him from his pretty face or just out of curiosity was either pushed away or left themselves after realizing how unsociable he is. Even so, to not make his life at school any harder he still had a group of people that he ate with at lunch and could study with, though he wasn't particularly very close to any of them since he couldn't go to any after-school hanging out activities.

After doing well on his SAT/ACTs (Perfect 36 on ACT, 1560 on SAT) and after begging his parents continuously, Kevin was allowed to attend the junior/senior prom at his school. Despite being so closed off, he loved fashion and dressing well (his parents never neglected him financially) and they paid for an expensive suit for him mostly to keep face. He admired a white girl in their class who was outwardly nice to everyone, even Kevin despite him being so recluse, and she was always seemingly outgoing and high-performing in class and in sports, like track. Though before he had the opportunity to ask her out, he overheard her talking to her friends about how much she hated chinks, before going on a racist spiel and laughing it off with her all-white friends. He was heartbroken, but despite this still went to prom with his friend group that he was somewhat distant with.

In his senior year, following application season and putting his entire life on the line applying to all Ivies, his parents only expected the best from him. So when Kevin found out that he was rejected from all ivies despite being a good candidate, his parents unleashed all their anger and disappointment on him. Even when he told classmates or teachers or other family about this, they were disappointed in him yet also he could feel their spite towards him, as if relieved he didn't make it. He couldn't stand disappointing more people and even himself, so he killed himself by jumping off a bridge.

After becoming an FMN

Kevin's last feelings before he died were most strongly the desire to thrive on this shitty world. Creeping speedwells represent "to thrive", so when given a second chance as an FMN, the flowers that bloomed on his wings were those. He wanders and searches for what it means to thrive in this world.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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