Ashter Faurux



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Ashter Teodor Faurux
Called Ash, Ashy
Age Adult
Gender male (he/him)
Height 6'1"
Build broad and muscular
Blood Color Pyrite / Mutant
Role ex-leader
Demeanor upright, confident
Other pyrokinetic psionics
Voice Claim n/a


  • puzzles
  • Fiduspawn
  • working out
  • rap music


  • animals, esp wild/feral
  • complete silence
  • impulsive people
  • snow



Tough Guy With A Heart Of Gold

Though he often acts aloof and uncaring, he is greatly empathetic and often has other peoples' best interests at heart. He does good for good's sake, and often acts as the anchor that other people may hold onto. However, this often makes him overly self-sacrificial and juggling many problems at once-- some too heavy for him to lift by himself.

A Replacement For An Icarus

Growing up, Ashter was heavily influenced by an accomplace who worked under his Ancestor's enemy. Harshly and strictly trained to be proper and knowledgeable, he was meant to replace the fallen grace of his once political Ancestor. This led to a strict life where Ashter could not be free to be himself, and he locks away much of his emotions for fear of betraying this expectation. Forced to be made into a leader, he's scared of failing those who rely on him.

Problematic Run-Away

Ashter has always had a love-hate relationship with confrontation. While he can inspire others to face their fears, demons, and problems, he would much rather run away from his own. When he feels as if things are too much out of his control, he has no qualms in packing up and leaving to try to restart his life over and over and over again. He tries not to get too attached to the people he meets, though this always fails.


Ashter Faurux is the descendant of a man known as the Culpable, an ex-politician who had committed fraud to influence the governmental seats of Alternia. Because of this, Ashter has always had big shoes to fill, especially by those who seek to use him for his bloodline. From a young age, Ashter was mastering skills in public speaking, politics, history, finance, and more with a tight schedule and harsh expectations that robbed him of his childhood. He was not allowed to be himself no matter where he was; at home, he was only the mirror of a disgraced man, while in the public he was openly mocked and ridiculed for his sexuality. No where was safe for him, except for small online spaces such as forums and chatrooms where no one knew who he was....

Sgrub Begets Death

His connections online caused him to order a copy of and play the infamous Sgrub. He was a natural pick to be the session's leader since these skills were already so strong. However, as typical for these games, his session mates fell apart piece by piece. His Matesprit snapped and murdered a friend, and fearful of how the others would react to him, Ashter decided to take the blame. His friends turned upon him, and after losing them and so much more late game he let his guilt and shame consume him. Unable to shoulder his past, present, and future, the young Pyriteblood had killed himself. Or, that's what he thought he did.

But Death Begets Chances

He woke up one day soon after his death, back on Alternia, back before things went to hell. Did they actually go to hell? Did any of it happen to begin with? He couldn't tell. Was Sgrub just a dream, were these memories fabricated and it was all just a nightmare all along? Yet, it feels so real...

So real that it affects his relationships in his everyday life. The impact of being a failed leader weighed heavy on him, and so any time he feels that his life is out of his hands, he runs away to make a new one. Maybe this time it'll be different. Maybe this time he won't mess up. Maybe this time he wouldn't have to lie through his teeth about who he is.... Maybe this time he can keep people safe.



Sedris Demmot [ matesprit ]

His first matesprit after a long while, and after the confusion of Ashter's mess of Sgrub memories; Sedris' softness and kindness puts Ashter at ease. Ashter is deeply in love with him, and would move mountains to keep Sedris happy.


Trajes Faurux [ brother ]

While Trajes is a quirky mystery to Ashter, Ashter no less cares about his blood brother deeply. Though often embarassed by him, Ashter wouldn't have it any other way, and often visits Trajes and attends his stand-up specials.


Expyno Dioxal [ friend ]

Having known each other since they were kids, Ashter was one of the few who stood up for and stuck around Expyno, and likewise for the Teal. The two made a promise never to leave each other, and they have kept that promise-- though the effort has been noticeably more one-sided. Still, Ashter cares about Expyno, and though sometimes he takes his annoying friend for granted, Ashter would burn the moon for him.

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