Zeb Lakeman (Forum Game Responses)



2. Their emotional/moral weak spots

His mother is a big sore spot; he prefers to pretend like he doesn't even have a mom as a result. Another, probably obvious thing, is transphobia, whether it be outright hostile or, um... The fetishizing kind. He also... Doesn't really like pretty much any religion, least of all Catholicism. He'll respect religious people, of course, but definitely is disdainful of people who talk about it a lot. One last thing, he has trouble with reading thanks to his dyslexia; when he was a kid, he got made fun becaue of it sometimes, and it's still something that hurts if it's ever brought up.

3. Scars or painful spots

He's got scars on his chest from his top surgery. They're old and don't hurt anymore, though, they are a little bit sensitive...

6. Their vices (physical or emotional)

He likes to try and be healthy, but he can't help but to overeat, and eat pretty unhealthy foods at that. He can't resist stuff that tastes good! He also has a hard time controlling his anger, sometimes. He's a lot better with that now than he was as a teenager, though, he isn't violent anymore; therapy helped a lot. He's hoping that he'll be able to get to a point where he's fully in control of his emotions.

This was answering how he and Benji met and how their first date went.

Their first date... Happened during their first meeting! They met up for a hookup (... I say met up but Benji went to Zeb's apartment gsgjh), but Benji, almost immediately enamoured with Zeb, asked if they could switch to going on a date instead. At the time Zeb was a little miffed about it since he was... Y'know, prepared to hook up, as it were >_> but since Benji was cute, and he'd been out of his previous relationship for long enough, he decided to say fuck it and agreed. The got sushi delivered to Zeb's apartment, chatted, then watched a shitty horror movie. Talking revealed some shared interests (both into metal and old video games) and the movies Zeb defaulted to revealed another shared interest (both into horror, and Benji has a fondness for shitty vampire media) and uuuhhhhhh they probably fell asleep together on Zeb's couch that night. The next few days after that, Zeb was unsure about talking to Benji anymore, a tiny bit hesitant to potentially get back into an actual relationship, but... Well, he did keep talking to Benji lol Now Zeb thinks back fondly on their first date, while at the same time noting that he and Benji have a lot of nights like that; order delivery, watch a movie, fall asleep on the couch. He even refers to nights like that as date night; considering Zeb's a total introvert and Benji doesn't do well in crowds, neither of them really mind doing the same thing so often.

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit

He’s managed to train himself to stop what he’s doing and take a few deep breaths whenever he gets angry. He’ll also sometimes find himself mumbling prayers and doing the sign of the cross if he’s in a stressful situation, much to his chagrin.

15. What it takes to make him cry

Zeb doesn’t cry all that much, actually! He might if he’s particularly Full Of Love for Princess or Benji or Maybe even his dad and brother and baby niece though u_u

As a teenager he cried a lot, mostly from getting very. Very angry. He hated that getting too mad made him cry. It doesn’t happen nowadays, though.

16. Dark secrets/“skeletons in the closet”

Well, he beat the shit out of a nun when he was like, 13, but that’s not much of a secret. Zeb really isn’t one for keeping secrets, tbh!

Below text spoilered for matricide mention.

I guess... He wishes his mom would just keel over already. He’s expressed that to Benji but not really anyone else. Something that he hasn’t told Benji or anyone and likely won’t tell anyone aside from maybe a therapist is that he'd thought about killing her as a teenager, multiple times. He didn’t do it and really probably wouldn’t have been able to if he tried, but... He thought about it.