


4 years, 1 month ago



  • He doesn’t spend a lot of time in the coven, however, preferring to wander the streets in search of new thrills.
  • He actually likes modern technology and finds it amusing. He even tried vlogging.
  • When inside the coven, Byron dresses somewhat formally.  He does enjoy wearing much more casual outfits in his free time, however.


 PRONOUNS   He/him 
 AGE   60 (physically in his twenties) 
 HEIGHT   176 cm 
 GENDER   Male (FtM) 
 SPECIES / RACE   Vampire, halfblood. 
 ORIENTATION   Homosexual 
 Setting Info

Byron can be sarcastic and witty at times. He is not worried about paying a price for his (often unusual) mischief. If he wants to do something, he will try to find a way, ignoring most humans morals and law; although aware of how dangerous his conduct is, he doesn’t intend to stop. Feeling safe due to the partial-immortality of vampires, he believes to be merely ‘enjoying’ life.

He has a difficult relationship with humans. While Byron doesn’t outright resent them, he has no interest in getting involved with them on an emotional level. He is willing to interact with them, and doesn’t mind joking or entertaining a pleasant conversation, but when he approaches a human he usually has other interests in mind. It’s not impossible for him to grow interested in one, but it usually takes a while.

Byron can be a caring man, but his snappy attitude can make people think otherwise. He knows when it’s time to drop his sarcasm and be serious; however, he tends to underestimate danger, especially when his own safety is involved.

When he flirts, he seldom is looking for anything serious.  

He doesn’t miss his human life in the slightest, and that’s one of the reasons he is so reckless.  He started following his maker at a young age, feeling no regret as he left his family behind. Doing so, he assumed a new identity and changed name. To this day, he still works for his maker and lives in the coven. As his maker often travels, Byron often takes care of his business while he is away.

His past is something Byron prefers to forget. When asked about it, he will only provide vague answers. He doesn’t miss his human life in the slightest. Byron was born into an average family. His teen years was anything but pleasant, as his family struggled to understand his identity. Soon, spending time home became unbearable, as his parents continued to force his old name on him. Unable to confide in them, upon turning twenty, Byron began to spend more and more time outside, venturing in bars and streets inhabited by vampires.

Those creatures of the night scared him, obviously, but something about them fascinated him. They followed different morals and laws, and if Byron saw them as a symbol of freedom. His family’s friends spoke of them in whispers full of disgust, detailing their perversions. Byron saw nothing wrong in their antics. They were promiscuous, willing to mate with males and females alike, indulging in the many temptation of the body.

Temptations… Were they really wrong? He craved some of that freedom. What he had wasn’t enough. He felt trapped in his life, as if constantly forced to pose as a stranger. The only moments that gave him some relief were the most dangerous ones, when he changed his clothes, put on a binder, and walked away in the night. The bars he visited were full of humans and vampires alike. No one cared about who you loved or how you expressed yourself. The search of pleasure wasn’t condemned.

For once, he didn’t feel out of place. No one there thought there was something wrong with his identity. Byron knew it was dangerous, and every time he caught a glimpse of fangs he remembered how fragile human life could be. The world of vampires was so much more appealing.

And that was why when Agata arrived, he followed her without a second thought. She was a pureblood vampire in search of a half-blood, and he was a young man looking for a new start and with nothing to lose. He didn’t hesitate; he accepted to join her, eager to start his life.

Once adjusted to his new nocturnal existence, he was able to initiate his transition thanks to his new protector. He began working for Agata, taking care of her business while she was away. The pureblood spend a lot of time away from the coven, so Byron had to take her place. He often had to deliver messages to her acquaintances for her.

As a vampire, Byron became reckless and determined to put no limits to himself. He believes every being has the right to seek what makes him happy, and that hedonism isn’t necessarily bad. He quite often interacts with humans, but he remains detached from them; he refuses to trust them.

For a while, he was the youngest half-blood in the coven. That changed when Valentino arrived; of course, Byron was happy to have some company and curious to see how his new ‘roommate’ would react. After all, he was more than happy to have someone who could follow him in his adventures... (WIP)



It took Byron a while to admit he had a crush on him. Surprisingly, they're pretty affectionate with each other. Valentino is one of the few people willing to follow Byron's absurd ideas, and possibly the only one who can persuade him to be more careful...



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  • Music
  • Parties
  • Teasing others
  • Val


  • having to work all night
  • Close-minded people 
  • dramatic movies
  • Bugs