
4 years, 3 months ago


Age: 22
Gender: AFAB Non-Binary (he/they)
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: Originally Taiwanese, before changing to...uh. is it, american. is the setting in america i dont actually know--
Orientation: Pansexual
Mythos: Boogeyman


i don't even know where to start with this one.
He doesn't seem to commit to anything for very long. Be it jobs, relationships, etc.
An enigma always on the move, doing something completely at random just because he can.
Erin was raised in a wealthy family. He's pretty spoiled, being the youngest child.
He has his future set by the family business, already securing enough academic achievements to be eligible for it.

His goal is to have the most fun he can.
Which is messing with people. Self-satisfaction is his deal tbh.

His relationship with Boogeyman (affectionately called Boogie) started as a mutual partnership; a give and take.
It seems like it has grown into something more companionable, though I doubt either has let their guard down too far.

and, the drabble zone. Because Erin frustrates me to no end (even if im still quite fond of him)

  • He house-hops a lot, despite having his own penthouse in the most luxurious part of town.
    Borrows apartments from friends who are out of state, or has a spare room, or needs someone over to hold the fort down.
  • I get the feeling he doesn't really like his own place, but he bunkers down there when no other is avail.
  • Is the person who somehow knows everyone. 
  • Job hops a lot too; for kicks. It's mostly to meet people.

Things I found out over just, playing him:

  • Surprisingly impulse-driven. Can be self-destructive in his tendencies.
    Kind of wants to be hurt.
  • Holds grudges. Hates being one-upped and dislikes admitting defeat. If he has to, he WILL remember it.
  • So -- likes winning. Whatever his idea of winning is. It can be a bit roundabout.
  • Is picky about who he chooses to care for; which is why he's genuinely surprised when he does.
  • Can be NICE. (I'm shook, i didn't know.) 
  • Still has a long way to go