
4 years, 3 months ago


Actual Name: 安雨泽 Ān yǔ zé
Age: 23
Gender: Trans Male (he/him)
Ethnicity: Chinese
Nationality: American
Orientation: Pansexual
Mythos: Living Art


Nicknamed Jag because he has a bad squiggle line somewhere when he tried to tattoo himself in his younger years.

He moved back with his grandparents when his parents couldn't raise him. (For a multitude of reasons.)
Was trying to get a degree in something respectable, but tuition fees got too heavy when his grandfather passed two years ago.

Now he works under his grandmother, who owns a tattoo parlor on the cheaper end of the shop districts.
He's pretty good at arts, being raised by artists, so he doesn't really mind the work.
Sometimes he stops by his old college because figure drawing sessions are free and he made friends there.

Occasionally gets into brawls because he doesn't know how to keep his temper in check.
Probably offended some people he shouldn't have; though he's not one to keep his head low.