
4 years, 3 months ago



If you want to run from your past, fine. But whatever you do, don't run from your present... or worse, your future.

Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Sexuality Bisexual
S.O. None
Age Early 20's
DoB 03/22
Species Alkarnabi
Height Shorter Average
Hometown Bosgeesten Forest
I've been looking everywhere for you.
I don't want to be found.
But if you continue down this path, you're doomed to corrupt yourself.
I know.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
MBTI Content
Archetype Content
Leading trait Trait
Biggest flaw Trait

Fun Facts!

  • Eiji's full name is Eiji J. Osamu!
  • Eiji is pronounced as “age-e”; it’s inspired by the main protagonist of the movie, Patema Inverted.
  • The middle initial stands for “Jackpot”; the original name of this Nabi before I got them.
  • Eiji’s last name is based on Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs, only because I liked the last name! There’s no other reason, haha.
  • Eiji struggles with the idea of being normal. He’s extremely jealous of others, who don’t have to face the challenges he does every day. He tries to push through and act normal, but his abnormality bothers him a lot.

Eiji is full of compassion and a wistfulness for adventure. He’s willing to put others above himself, and push himself past his own limits in order to help the ones he cares about.

☆ Because of his inverted gravity, Eiji found it extremely hard to make friends. No one wanted to deal with the weird upside-down Alkarnabi. So, for those willing to make the effort to get to know him, Eiji would be willing to die for them without hesitation.

☆ Eiji is very optimistic, and always tries to look on the bright side of things. He makes jokes about his inverted gravity often, hoping that if he normalizes it, his possible friends would be more open to keep talking to him.

☆ However, after the Open Skies Event, Eiji’s mindset began to change. He was so close to finding a permanent solution to his inverted magic, but right before his eyes, the one who was going to save him was defeated. He’s currently having an internal mental battle with himself, as he abandoned the only Nabi he called a friend in order to get rid of his magic- but that plan didn’t work because of Kabber and his friends. Eiji doesn’t like it, but the seeds of hatred are forming in his heart.


”Curse of Aiga”

Eiji’s magic is rather unique, as it has caused the gravity around him to be inverted. This means that instead of being pulled towards the earth and towards the ground, Eiji’s body naturally wants to “fall” upwards into the sky instead. It’s almost like the Earth is trying to push him away.

☆ Eiji cannot turn his magic off in any way, nor can he control it. It does not affect others, and only affects his own body. He’s been dealing with his inverted gravity his entire life, and has accommodated his life to work around it.

☆ So as to not fall into the sky, into space, and possibly die- fate luckily gifted Eiji with a beautiful pair of wings. He uses these wings to get from place to place without needing a “ceiling” to stand on. Though, he does look rather strange while flying; to outsiders, it looks like he’s flying upside down, right up against the ground. It’s a strange sight, but not many consider the plight of Eiji, having to live in a world reversed from everyone else’s.

☆ No one can imagine the horror that Eiji faces everyday, where instead of being able to safely look up into the sky and admire its beauty with the ground planted firmly beneath his feet, a part of him will always be terrified of looking down into the sky he wants to call beautiful, and falling into its infiniteness.


Eiji lives in a large bunked built under the ground, constructed to suit his own needs: to outsiders, the entire base is built upside down. The furniture is on the “ceiling”, picture frames have been nailed upside down close to the “floor”, and everything looks strange to normal folk; but to Eiji, that is his normal.

  • Star Gazing/Cloud Spotting
  • Flying
  • Photography
  • Oranges
  • Heights
  • Falling into the Sky
  • Being Laughed At
  • His Brother, Orient
  • Star Gazing/Cloud Watching:
  • He finds the sky beautiful, but also has a deep fear of it because of his magic, but he tries to ignore it.
