Dawn Breeze's Comments

And can I adopt them too? Flufflesauce

Yoo is this kiddo available? I'd like to try for em if they are, they are so beautiful!

Got some beans in here: fluffleside on Toyhouse

i LOVED this guy! would they work? i did see a few others, so let me know if not, but id have to think about them :]


that works for me! i'm down if you are!

Awesome! send them over when you can!

sent! im so hype for dawn here <3 enjoy the centaur kiddo! they are lovely, but my plans for em just fell apart

Does anyone in my TH interest you then?

My Dreamies and story folder, Species , Truesonas, and persona sub folders are all offlimits. but that doesn't mean i won't be tent on some characters

Also, I'm willing to trade more than one oc if you'd prefer that. and do you think you can let me know if you don't see anyone? it helps me keep track [which i find really hard to do due to a memory disorder]

The only character that interests me is Vassilis :)


I can do them! just let me know when to send them on over :D

You can send them now and I’ll do the same ASAP! :)


Sent Dawn to ya too! TYSM :)