


4 years, 1 month ago


My character in an ongoing Pathfinder campaign.

Astrid Boltheart-Valendrys, the Stormborn

Age: Mid twenties during the campaign

Race: "Perfectly normal elf" (read: tiefling/drow hybrid)

Class: Magister
Mythic Archmage

Sign: The Storm

Background: Look, when the most powerful Cleric and the most powerful Paladin on the planet ask their goddess for a kid, the goddess provides, but also takes the path of least resistance and makes the kid a 50/50 blend of both parents ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Born in her mother's office at the Order headquarters during an intense thunderstorm, because Tifreth refused to go on maternity leave! Astrid shows quite a bit of magical aptitude, which has become increasingly rare in modern times. She was studying under an Order wizard right up until he sent her on a "field trip," during which she discovered the entire plane had become separated from the spacetime continuum, possibly as a result of her mothers' escapades a century prior?

While investigating this, fell into another plane entirely and discovered the problem had actually existed for much longer than that!

Personality: Grew up listening to tales of her mothers' legendary exploits, leading to a distorted sense of normalcy. What do you mean the other kids don't get teleported to class every day???
Eventually realized that her family is very much Exceptional and Not Normal, and began feeling some (mostly internal) pressure to live up to their legacy.

Abilities: Shifting the elements of her spells to Electricity. Casting spells silently, and without moving. Casting Divine AND Arcane spells, because "magic is magic am I right???"
Halfway decent at sewing and needlepoint.
Master bullshitter.

Relationships: Loves and looks up to her moms, even though she's sometimes exasperated by their intense personalities.
Has an extremely distorted sense of "family" because Tifreth introduces literally everyone as "Aunt" or "Uncle."
Has a big, gay crush on the party's gunslinger, of which her moms do not approve. Not because of the gay thing (obviously), but because the gunslinger is a dhampir.

Appearance & Wardrobe: Mauve skin, wavy white hair with a pink tint, and eyes like a sunset. A pair of horns grows out from her forehead, curving backwards in a circular manner. Astrid worries that they'll eventually touch, and then what....?!?!
Wears robes and surcoats over casual pants and blouses. Can't wear armor because Mage Armor is superior.