Dutch Tulips's Comments

I see you faved Rith I recently decided I wanna get rid of the and saw your fave a like a horrible person decided you must want them XD cause you faved them off....

Was wonding you would be interested in trading them for this Dutch Tulips and this bean

If not thats fine figured i would ask .. (i just dont wanna do them as free cause that fullbody nearly killed me XD)

That's understandable, and yeah I'll send them both over now.

Awesome thank you for accepting my offer ♡

I shall hopefully take good care of them >♡<

Of course, it's always a pleasure making a trade with you. ♡

And I will hopefully do the same with mine. XD 

OwO same... probably one of the only folks i am confortable doing a trade with i do not trust people lol


That's fair lol. XD 

2 Replies