



☆ Sunshine and Coffee Beans. ☆

"This place is too quiet for a city girl like me! "

Name Chai
Called Chai / Chia
Sexuality Lesbian
Favorite Gemstone Rose Quartz
Gender Female
Height 5'8
Worst Fear Insects
Role Barista
Demeanor Cherry
Chamomile Tea
Night Shifts
Windy Days


Chai grew up living in an apartment complex with her mother and father in Waekefield City, the constant honking of horns and screeching of tires the lullaby she fell asleep to each night. She never minded the loud noises- growing up in the city, you would have that, and Chai never let it deter her from wanting to explore every crack and crevice of her city whenever she could. Her parents knew that from a young age she was a go-getter, always up and ready before the rest of the world was. She has always lived for the fast-life, and her parents were hopeful that this energy would trickle into her future life's work.

Chai went to one of the better private schools in the area, and detested the fact that they all had to wear the same clothes. Chai was always one for fashion, getting in trouble if she wore makeup to school that day or had a different colored hair tie holding her ponytail up that day. She tried her best to fight for individual self-expression, however that only led to her to extra trips to the principal's office. As soon as Chai graduated she went to her ceremony in the cutest and most trendy outfit she could put together, making the rest of her classmates cheer for her as she walked out the door. She quickly got a job at a small corporation, working at her own cubicle and sorting through files day in and day out. She relished the small office chatter and water cooler talk, especially when it was about her outfits; and loved when people would ask her where she got a specific top. In the end, she ended up quitting her job after a few payment cuts, deciding to move from the city to Aurelia, where she expected she would find the same city life she was used to. She was highly mistaken.

Chai never thought country life would be somewhat enjoyable, and for the most part it is. She still misses the fact there's not many high-end stores close by, but enjoys the variety of people she gets to meet day in and day out- if it wasn't for the valley, she would have never met her coworkers and other friends she enjoys spending her time with. All in all, Chai does her best to stick to her city roots, but finds herself growing a bit of a soft spot for country life.




Chai has an amazing memory; her facial recognition is impeccable.

She falls in love easily.

She tends to be a bit materialistic and judgmental of others.

She's talkative, sometimes unbearably so.

She tends to use most of her PTO during the winter months to avoid the slush.




Friend / Coworker

Azai and Chai met on Azai's first day of the job, and learned pretty much everything about barista life from her. They are always chatting or poking fun at the other, locking each other in the supply room or chasing each other around with whipped cream cans when the café is dead. They are quite the pair, a dynamic duo who always knows how to cheer the other up when feeling down. Azai is one of the people Chai can trust the most with anything, and loves him dearly for it.




Gianna is a person Chai never thought she would befriend- Gianna's hobbies truly do not match Chai's, however it is very impressive to the peppy girl that Gianna can give as much as she can take when it comes to karate and wrestling. Chai never thought a girl like Gianna had it in her with how dainty she looks, but Gianna never fails to impress.




Zoe is Azai and Chai's manager, overseeing the general state of Brew Ha Ha and making changes to the menu and working schedules when necessary. Azai and Chai have always appreciated how flexible and kind Zoe is, her understanding and positive nature a breath of fresh air when it comes to how many bosses can be. Zoe always tries her hardest to make sure the two of them are taken care of and happy.