Sinclair Céleste René



4 years, 3 months ago


Sinclair Céleste René

Basic Info

Nickname Sisi, Sasa
Job Gie clothing shop employee
Age 24
Birthday 6th February
Gender Non-binary
Pronouns She/He/They
Orientation Androsexual
Boyfriend Gale Enos
Height 1,59 m
Voiceclaim rei sirose
Design Notes

  • Slim body type
  • Tongue, ears, lips, smiley & left nipple piercings
  • Tattoos in random places
  • Freckles (show up strongly in summertime)
  • Quite big lips
  • Thin hair that gets really curly during wet weather

  • Sinclair is French. Speaks fluent English & French.
  • Sisi lives in a big, rich house surrounded by large garden full of trees, flowers and vegetables (located in S2). Lives together with their grandmother, Florence, and younger sister, Agnes.
  • Their hometown is Paris, France.
  • Their parents work overseas and they see each other rarely, yet their relationship is still pretty nice.
  • They used to work as a florist. Really interested in language of flowers and knows about it a lot.
  • Since they started working in Gabi's clothing shop, they're now even more determined to start sewing and create clothes by themselves. They already sew scarfs and sweaters.
  • They want to work as a tattoo artist in future.
  • They're great at character designing! They draw really good and fast. Has tons of sketchbooks finned with their art.
  • They own a Nintendo Switch.
  • They love cooking yet it doesn't taste that good, even if they keep on trying their best. Loves to help in kitchen.
  • They avoid eating meat, yet not that strictly.
  • Owns a driving license.
  • Collects empty alcohol bottles and puts either alive or dried flowers in these.
  • Gets drunk quite easily.
  • They smell either like sweet coffee or strawberries.


Sisi likes to meet new people. Approaches others easily and can talk about anything. Great listener. Full of energy, gets emotional and excited over the littlest things all the time. Has a very optimistic, kind and positive aura. Loves to give self-made gifts to people they like and loves to cheer others up. Loves to get to know people better, will try to ask about your hobbbies and interests. Easily gets flustered, shy, embarrassed - usually when you give them affection. Around large group of people they might burst out with energy, doing a lot, doing silly things, acting childish; but when they get to be be with just one person then they usually get way more calm and gentle. Sisi is usually multitasking. Pretty confident on daily basis but it's really easy for them to lose all the confidence once you mistreat them or say any insulting/bad word directly to them. Even if you give them a very cold attitude, they will still try to befriend you; unless you tell them you don't want to interact with them - then they will stop. They're loyal and really loving; they get heavily attached to people easily. Usually shows affection by lots of lovey-dovey words and clingy but delicate gestures. Has a heavy fear of showing negative emotions, they cry easily and maybe even too often but they're not doing that on purpose and they have no idea how to maintain it, and so on it usually ens up with Sisi acting like they're spoiled and they're looking for attention - meanwhile they never want to act like that; they hate bahaving like that. Generally hates to annoy people and just hopes they're not that hard to get along with.

• Suffers from Hyperthyroidism
• More of an optimistic person
• Passive/defensive


  • Gardens, gardening
  • Flowers, flower fields
  • Spring & summer
  • Warm & sunny weather
  • Spending time outdoors
  • Walking around the city (with people they know)
  • Dusk, starry nights
  • Rain
  • Lakes, sea, beaches
  • Sunsets, warm evenings
  • Sewing, creating clothes
  • Fashion
  • Thrift shopping
  • Drawing
  • Music
  • Singing
  • Alcohol
  • Getting tattoos & piercings
  • Animals
  • Shopping (with people they know)
  • Spending time with people
  • Cooking & baking
  • Laying in cozy bed
  • Warm, cozy clothes
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Studying, learning new things
  • Reading Psychology facts
  • Sweets (fav: Nougat-flavoured sweets)
  • Matcha tea
  • Healthy food

  • Insulting them, constant bullying
  • Yelling at them (it makes them really nervous immediately)
  • Pressuring them to talk about their past relationship
  • Making fun of their appearance
  • Cold weather
  • Walking around the city all alone (especially when it's late)
  • Using public transport (especially when it's late)
  • When they fail at cooking and baking
  • People pointing out the fact they're horny sksksk
  • Seeing their ex-boyfriend anywhere



Darling, hearing from you that you like me the same way as I like you made me the happiest person on this planet... My dear god, I love you absolutely and I know I fell in love with the right- or even the best person I could ever meet. I'm so glad I can be your partner and I'm willing to do anything to put smile on your face. I love you so much to the point I can't put it in words ;;; I would kiss you and hold hands with you and nuzzle and cuddle up to you endlessly haha!! <3
IT'S SO FUNNY TO ME THAT ZION WAS FIRST TO CALL ME THEIR CHILD IN THE STUDIO AND NOW I'M OFFICIALLY STUDIO'S CHILD SKSKSK. I call them jokingly as my mom, but it makes me wheeze that they're the most clumsy from everyone who takes care of me there. Anyways they check up on me and that's cute!!
dAD, YOURE MY DAAAAAAD!!~ WOOGIE OOGIE WOOGIE UWU We share the same energy and I literally treat him as he's my dad, he has such dad vibes!! I absolutely love him and he's so, so, SO SWEET AND LOVELY!! The way he gets so excited makes my heart melt. <3
I ALREADY GAVE ERI SOME LIL SMOOCHES ON THE CHEEK AND THEY ALWAYS TASTE LIKE WEED... Anyways I can tell that even if they're pretty teasy (especially with my crush on Gale), they have some kind of... soft spot for me? They act really sweet around me and they make sure I don't get hurt ;; Their holo knives are soooo pretty! Yet they say they won't let me hold these because they're pretty sure I will injure myself :(
EMI WAS THE FIRST ONE WHO STARTED CARRYING ME AROUND THE STUDIO, NOW EVERYONE DOES THAT THERE AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT. Emi gives me strong older sibling vibes and I looooove them ;;;; Also I love playing with their hair!! It's like cotton candy. uwu They're really sweet and delicate with me. <3
I love working with her!! I love to spend time with her, she's really kind and patient with good sense of humor. We like to hang out after work sometimes. <3
She's really, REALLY patient!! ;; I love her and we both really like to learn about new things, we have a lot to talk about!
She doesn't interact much with me. Let's leave in like this.
I don't visit him often due to the fact Zion switched workplaces. :( I'm about to visit him soon tho! He's really nice to talk with.
We share the same humor sksksk. He has that strong older brother vibes, I really like him.