


4 years, 2 months ago



Name: Ricky Daze.
Gender: Male.
Age: 21.
Height: 5’10 / 177.8 cm.
Species: Tomoyoki.

Ricky is a calm man. He could be described as subdued, or even stupid, because he speaks and thinks pretty slowly. He doesn’t let others opinions of him get to him, though, because despite his lack of general knowledge, he is skilled at what he thinks counts. Ricky doesn’t have a lot of ambition, or drive to do things, because he doesn’t value time or money much at all. To him, it’s all just numbers, and life is more about having a good time while you’re still here to have one. He will spend money on expensive clothes that look absolutely ridiculous, and he won’t feel bad about it one bit, because it makes him happy.

Ricky is openly affectionate, toward anyone. He grew up in a household that was very encouraging of affection and expressing yourself, and because of this Ricky developed a passion for music that is extremely evident to this day. He’s not one for long winded conversations, but when he talks about his guitar shop or how a lesson he taught went he could go on for hours, with no shame. Ricky also very openly expresses his feelings, and has no reservations about crying over things or letting you know how happy he is over something.
General facts/trivia:

♡ Ricky runs a guitar shop (simply named “Ricky’s”), where he sells all sorts of guitars, and conducts lessons on certain weekdays for a small fee, or even completely free of charge if he can tell you’re really passionate.

♡ He’s a bit clumsy, and because of his large tail he has a habit of knocking things over on accident. He is really sincerely sorry when he knocks over other peoples things, and will always try to fix whatever he breaks. He can be seen with random bandaids on his fingers or up his arms/on his face.

♡ Ricky loves kids! He thinks they’re silly, and he really enjoys watching them. He’s not really fond of the idea of having kids of his own, but he’s more than happy to look after other people’s kids for a while.

♡ Good at domestic tasks, like cooking and cleaning. He enjoys them a lot! He is a mega disaster at baking, though. He tries anyways!

♡ He loves animals, a lot! He thinks any and all pets are super cool, and he has no real preference when it comes to animals. He‘s just as excited about a dog as he would be about a fish.

♡ Ricky really enjoys drawing, although he’s absolutely shit at it. He likes to doodle little flowers and poorly drawn animals all over whatever paper he’s got in front of him. He’s sort of embarrassed about showing people, though.

♡ A big fan of nail polish, and stupid hair clips. He’s really comfortable in his own masculinity, and sees no issue with liking or wearing traditionally “feminine“ things. His nails are usually black, or red (to match his eyes).