Zach Hollowmore's Literatures

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
2 3209

Long ago Lycans and Nekos were kept as slaves or pets to the humans, but they since have earned their independence. Today many laws encourage equality for Nekos and Lycans, but there are still those who disapprove of, and fear them. In this world, there is a high school titled Mystery High. Mystery High, which was once a human only school, is filled to the brim with Neko, werewolf, and human teens and staff, some of which keep deadly secrets. This story follows a girl named Alexa Okami and her friend Rose Holloway. She and her friends and family both have secrets and mysteries, some even being dark secrets, being keep from each other. However, strange things start to happen around Alexa, causing her to uncover strange and dark mysteries and secrets.