Rosemary Hill



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name ||

Rosemary Hill | ローズマリー ・ ヒル

Nickname(s) ||

Rose, Mary, Naivé Girl

Age & D.O.B ||

14 || February 7th, 1968

Pronouns ||


Grade & Club ||

1-2 || Drama

Species & Noryoku ||

Human || Indestructible Hair (GM)

Orientation / Identity ||



"Oh, please be careful!"

  • A young girl that falls in love very easily - too easily. Often she falls for the wrong type of guy and ends
    up with her heartbroken once again, but it doesn't take long before she's infatuated with the next guy. 
  • She likes to buy Bunny themed stuff, be it clothes or decoration if it has a bunny motive she will buy it.
  • While she's fond of Flowers and Gardening, she didn't join the Gardening Club but the Drama Club
    instead. She became the leader of the Drama Club after the old Leader graduated - she hated it.
  • As a hobby, she likes to paint! While she's not the best at it yet she hopes that Holland can tell her some
    tips and tricks on how to be better at it! But he often declines her offers, but Rosemary is willing to wait.
  • She doesn't like being lied to and reacts very negatively to it, even if it's a small lie she'll end up calling
    the other person out and ignore them for some time after it as a form of "Punishment".
  • She's rather naive and often doesn't notice when boys are just using her for free food. She's sick of being
    cheated on but doesn't see the fault on her side. 
  • She once had a crush on Phoenix Ignit but her heart was crushed when Sun told her that he was already
    dating someone (Elizabeth Haruse). After that she stopped crushing on him and even sees that he's a bit
    too Annoying for her liking. Plus, he's too tall to kiss! What would she even do then? Look at him? PAH!
  • Her Family owns a Korean Restaurant, it's somewhat popular among young people.

Indestructible Hair (GM) - The user's Hair is able to grow in seconds and covers them like a shield, it's indestructible meaning no matter what you do the shield won't break. It causes the hair to go frizzy afterward though and it takes time for it to go back to its original length.