Marie-H. B. L. de Beauharnais



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name ||

Marie-Hélène Bérénice Lucrèce de Beauharnais | マリー・エレーヌ・ベレニス・ルクレセ・ド・ボーハルナイ

Nickname(s) ||

Kuru-Kuru Hime ;

Pronouns ||

She / Her

Age & D.O.B ||

14 || November 2nd 1968

Species & Noryoku ||

Human || 玻璃 / Crystal

Grade & Club ||

1-2 || Gardening (and Tennis)

Occupation(s)) ||

Student ;

Orientation / Identity ||



"I see... but why can't I get a hug?"

[ The young princess of Akenomyosei ]

She's the Princess of Akenomyosei and the younger sister of Augustin de Beauharnais, her parents are King Anthoine 
and Queen Berenice. She's being raised as a "spare" in case her brother fails to take over the throne or happens to 
die early, she's being trained to become Queen instead. Her parents have chosen several suitors for her to marry
once she's old enough, their favorite suitor being a young Prince by the name of Tanehiko Ando.

  • She enjoys to sit outside in the Rose Garden, drinking some tea and talking with her mothers or whatever maid is nearby.
  • She doesn't actually have any real friends and is very desperate to find someone who's willing to spend time with her. Her main
    target being Kanon as he's around Augustin the most. Marie-Helene believes that they're best friends and wants to become 
    Kanon's other Best Friend! She constantly asks him for hugs and demands his attention but it doesn't seem to work out so well.
  • Her favorite candy is Caramel. She'd eat anything with Caramel Flavor.
  • She's not a fan of "dumb" or loud people and goes out of her way to avoid them even though she's not very smart herself.
  • She was named after the previous Queens and her own Mother. She doesn't like her name at all and believes it's too long.