Basic Info

Worth -



TBD = To be designed or decided

TBM = To be made

TBW = To be written

~~♡ Basic Info ♡~~



Willow, Wisp

Prefers - Willow

Birthday/Age -

I designed them January 5th 2020. But they are actually billions of years old. Maybe around 18 billion years old?

Dutchies don't actually have genders they are agender. But Willow identifies as non binary.

Pronouns - They, Them

Dutchies don't mate and don't have sexual attraction but they can bond. Willow is a loner. They haven't bonded with anyone. 

(When I say bond, I don't mean bond as in the dutchie relationship "songfilie/songfilies"(meaning two of one soul) the name of a bonded pair of dutchies. I mean bond as in have a deep familial connection.)

Dutch Angel Dragon

7ft from front paws to the top of their shoulders, and 11ft tall on their back paws.

~Lantern, Crystal necklace and/or beads.


•Good/Bad Traits/Likes/Dislikes•

~Willow is a very gentle caring traumatized bean. 

~Inhibited; Because of what happened in paradise, Willow won't allow themselves to get close to others for fear of losing them. When the great conflict started they watched as all their friends and bonded were cornered and forced to fight. Forced to go against their kind caring nature and become frightened violent creatures. Willow watched as all of their loved ones changed. And what they witnessed was very frightening and traumatizing. So they hold themselves back from getting close to anyone else. For fear of going through the same thing again.

~Seems cold and unapproachable with the living. 

~Loner, Introvert, independent 

~Mostly withdrawn but occasionally wants to interact with Pack Eidolon.

~Willow lives in the mountains near Eidolons cave system. And Eidolon and the others see them around sometimes. Pack Eidolon and Willow live somewhere in Canada. Near some mountains(I haven't picked an exact location yet).

~Willow and pack Eidolon have seen each other enough and talked/interacted enough to be friends.

~Sometimes Ichigo no hana wanders into Willow's cave and keeps them company, or cuddles with them.

~Willow enjoys and appreciates Ichigo's company. They sometimes comfort Willow when they need it. 

~Their cave is covered in candles and crystals of different colors shapes and sizes.  

~Their blue marks in their fur, their large blue feathers and the feathers that run down their back can alight with bright sapphire blue flames(They can control the flames).

~They have a special lantern that lights up with their flame, they use it to guide the souls of the dead.

~They can control their flames to light whatever they want without burning it.(Ex. They can have only their wing feathers lit or have just their lantern lit etc.)


~Aloof/cold when it comes to the living(anyone that is alive and has a soul)

~Why they don't like the living/Part of their backstory when they first landed on Terra(Earth) - I'm still trying to figure out a story behind why they don't like the living. But I think it will be something like they witnessed how the living treated each other and how horrible cruel they can be to anyone but themselves. Willow didn't like what they were seeing and left to where they hoped no humans would be. They came across a group of humans that respected each other and the land they lived on. The group of humans even respected the dead and honored their fallen brethren. That made Willo curious. So they traveled around seeing what other groups of humans do. They came across a group of humans that also honored the dead and even gave them offerings and used their structures to help guide them to the afterlife. That sparked something in Willow. They hated the living. And how they hurt others and themselves. But the dead. The dead weren't like the living. Something about death changed them. From the time of their death until they pass through the portal to the afterlife they are their true selves. Fragile, anxious lost little balls of color(Every soul is a different color). And most are alone with no idea where to go or how to get there. So Willow decided they would help souls cross over. They would light the way to the afterlife.

~Reserved but make it clear when they don't like something or are uncomfortable

~They seem cold and unapproachable but they are actually really caring. If you are a kind living being then Willow will be kind to you as well. 

~They love the cold and are most active during really cold snowy days. 

~Every crystal in their cave they found themselves. And brought it back to their cave. 

~They make and mix oils, lotions, balms etc. Pastes you use to promote healing of sorts. Emotional healing, physical healing, mental healing.






~Willow can be both simple and direct and imaginative it just depends on the situation

~Occasionally harsh lenient mostly

~Sometimes grim but mostly lighthearted 

~I wouldn't say Willow is lonely. But they definitely miss how things used to be in paradise. The friends and bonded they had. 

~Straight forward, blunt when it comes to things they feel strongly about. Sometimes caustic(sarcastic in a biter way).


~Broad interests, Open minded

~Organized, orderly


~Refined, Willow is by no means perfect. But they are well mannered and has an ok attitudePolite but occasionally sarcastic 

~Quiet mostly, but they occasionally be very talkative about something they are passionate about

~Good self esteem 

~Has OCD. Everything in their cave is exactly where it should be. Organized specifically to please their OCD. 

Role - 

Unlike the Will-o'-the-Wisps in folklore, Willow actually leads you to a destination. And they only lead the dead. But if you happen to catch a glimpse of them when the night is at its darkest then you're very lucky. Very few have ever seen them. But there is folklore about Willow. And those who know of and appreciate them, leave them offerings to thank them. They leave Willow water and wines, jams, breads and flaky bread like dessert with wonderful tasting jellies called pastries. Willow loves pastries. X3 They also leave Willow handmade blankets. Sewed knitted or crocheted.

Role explained -

Every night they make their way down into the forest. Their beautiful blue flames alight as they calmly make their way through the land. As they make their way through. Their gentle blue glow attracts the souls of the recently deceased. And they welcome them with open wings. Encouraging the lost souls to follow them. Just before dawn when the night is the darkest, Willo leads the souls to the portal between the living and the dead. And they demonstrate what to do for all to see. And then say their goodbyes to each soul and make sure they all pass over into the world of the dead safely and peacefully. 

What gives their life meaning/What makes life worth living/what makes them feel truly alive -

~Successfully guiding the souls to the other side each night.

~The peace and relief they feel when they've led all the souls peacefully and safely. Every morning at dusk, when all the souls have passed through the portal, Willo looks out over the land and feels at peace. Like everything is right with the world. And they can't wait to do it all again the next night. That's one thing that makes them feel truly alive.

~The awe and gratefulness in the souls eyes when they realize they've been found and have been lead to where they need to be. 

~Knowing that their role in life is important makes life worth living.

~Seeing all the beautiful things they've seen in the new land they live in. The beauty of the land, the flora and fauna.

~The beautiful gems and crystals the land creates.

~The music humans create. Willow loves music. Their favorite types of music would have to be indie, celtic and varieties of instrumental music. 

Hard on themselves for -


Most insecure about -


What makes them nervous -

~Social interaction

~Being around large groups of humans

When they are angry/upset/frustrated -

~When angry Willow meditates. They relax, clear their mind, and try to get to the bottom of why they are angry and what they can do to fix the issue. But that doesnt always work. Sometimes they just allow themselves to be angry. And they'll go for a walk in the forest and take a deep breath. Sometimes they'll make it to a clearing and just pace angrily back and forth until they know for sure they are in the right state of mind to meditate. 

~When upset Willow does the same thing they do when angry. Except the pacing part. >w< If upset they'll just sit in a clearing until they feel like they can meditate. 

~It's the same when they're frustrated. They try to meditate and if it doesn't work, they go for a walk and vent out their emotions somewhere in the forest. Until they feel they can meditate. 

~If upset/angry/frustrated enough though they might cry. It doesn't happen often. But if Willow is really angry, upset or frustrated over something sensitive to them they will cry. And when that does happen it starts out as little tears and then evolves into sobbing. But by then they will have removed themselves from the view of others.

What makes them really angry, furious even -

When a creature is killed because of another's stupidity.

When a creature is murdered/killed for seemingly no reason. 

When a creature is tortured/abused to death by those who are cruel and heartless.

Willow may not like the living much. But they care about how the living die.

Their diet(things they like to eat) -

~Willow likes to eat things provided to them by nature. Vegetables, berries, fruit. They occasionally just graze on grass. It satisfies the urge to chew and swallow something, and actually calms Willow down sometimes. The leisure gentle walk through the grass muzzle moving through the soft blades of green. >w< Or the little things humans give them in offerings. The humans who know of Willow and appreciate them, leave them offerings sometimes on the edge of the forest at shrines they have created. The humans leave water and wines, jams, breads and flaky bread like desserts with wonderful tasting jellies called pastries. Willow loves pastries. >w<

Small things that make their day better -

~Meditating with peaceful music playing softly.

~A cup of tea

~A stroll through the forest or mountains

~Laying down in a clearing and just watching nature. Watching a breeze flow through the grass. Flow through the leaves. Birds chirping. Water moving in the stream close by. Butterflies dancing gracefully passed them. 

~Seeing what the humans have given to them in their offerings to them at the shrine they made for the mysterious "spirit" they've caught glimpses of. Some humans surprise Willo with different kinds of offerings than normal. A handmade necklace or 2 sometimes. And sometimes flowers or drawings offered by the younger humans. Those make Willow smile the most. It's so cute and sweet of them. 

How they start their day -

~First they do a little bit of yoga. Stretching out their sleepiness waking up their limbs and such. 

~Then they take a bath. ^^ With essential oils and salts. And sometimes bubbles. >w< They love bubble baths, and try to have one every now and then. 

~Lastly, while Dutch Angel Dragons don't need to eat, Willow likes to have a pastry and some fruit for breakfast. ^.^

How they relax/Where they go to cool off/relax from something stressful/upsetting -

~Willow meditates to relax

~They'll light candles to give their cave a peaceful atmosphere.

~Taking a bath with essential oils, salts bubbles and lit candles. 

~They'll play an instrument(Willow plays the Kalimba, the cello and a few other instruments)

~They'll go for a walk. Graze on some grass. And listen to the music coming from the population of humans just outside of the forest. 

~And sometimes they'll travel to where they find the crystals that decorate their cave, and collect a few more.

~Sometimes Willow will just take a nap. X3

~Occasionally Ichigo will have wandered in right when Willo is in need of some comfort or help relaxing. And they'll both lay down, Ichigo either on Willow's back or curled up next to them. And they'll both take a nap together. Or they'll lay and Willow will vent to Ichigo and then go there separate ways. Or Willow will be headed out to look for crystals or go for a walk and Ichigo will tag along. 

Their quirks(Adorable little habit — a little odd, but usually in a fun way.) -

~Willow always has a crystal necklace on. A different crystal every now and then. 

Spends their time doing -

~During the day they spend their time working on their health. Mental emotional and physical. Learning as much as they can to obtain inner peace. To process and cope with the trauma and sadness. 

~At night they make their way across the land. Walking at a good pace or flying gently over the land finding and leading all the souls of the dead and lead them safely to the portal to the afterlife at dusk. 

Favorite smell -

~Lavender and other essential oils, crisp breeze on a snowy day, the smell of the wind passing through a meadow they're standing in, in the afternoon or at midnight. 

Favorite color(s) -
Purple, blue, black, green, yellow



Family? Kinda? XD -

Ichigo no hana


~Pack Eidolon(Pack Eidolon = Eidolon, Miloh, Oliver, Ethan, Cecilio, Akita, Myune, Ame and Ichigo no hana ^^)

~No one yet
~📖 Backstory 📖~

In paradise there was always love and kindness. All the dutch angel Dragons working together and helping each other. Only happiness and safety. 

The war forced a lot of kind gentle dutch angel Dragons to be violent and go against what they believe in. Willow being one of them. Willow did their best to protect their friends and bonded. But it was useless. They watched as their friends and bonded were backed into corners and forced to fight back. Forced to watch as those they were closest to were tainted by the invaders of their home. 

When Willow fell to Terra, they were heartbroken and in a horrible state of mind. For a long time they just sat in the spot they landed and just stared up at the sky eyes full of sadness and confusion, as if it had the answers to all their questions. After many days of just sitting there, Willow stood up and started walking. No destination in mind as they had no idea where they were or where anything was. 

They walked and walked. Passing large bodies of water. Many trees. Large rock formations. Lots of things that reminded them of home. 

And then they came across a population of strange creatures Willow later learned are called humans. Willow was very curious about the creatures so they sat and watched. It seemed that the creatures couldn't see Willo. So whenever Willow saw something interesting they would follow and figure out what was going on. In doing so, Willow witnessed how the living treated each other and how horrible and cruel they can be to anyone but themselves. Willow didn't like what they were seeing. It was just like what happened in paradise. And that upset and angered them. So they left to where they hoped no humans would be. They couldn't stand to see or be near stuff that brought up such horrible memories that were so fresh in their mind. 

As they continued to walk farther from the humans. They unfortunately came across another group of humans. But immediately they realized that these humans weren't the same as the ones they saw before. These humans respected each other and the land they lived on. The humans even respected the dead and honored their fallen brethren. That made Willow feel hopeful. That maybe they could escape the horrors they saw.

So they traveled around to see if any other groups of humans were the same. They came across a group of humans that also honored the dead and even gave them offerings and used their structures to help guide them to the afterlife. That sparked something in Willow. They disliked the living, because they were too similar to what happened in paradise. They hurt others and themselves. But the dead. The dead weren't like the living. Something about death changed them. From the time of their death until they pass through the portal to the afterlife they are their true selves. Fragile, anxious lost little balls of color(Every soul is a different color). And most are alone with no idea where to go or how to get there. So Willow decided they would help souls cross over. They would light the way to the afterlife.

Along with figuring out what they can do in this new strange world, they learned about spirituality and forms of relaxation and finding your inner peace. Things involving crystals, homemade pastes, lotions, oils and such, clearing your mind and self care. The more Willow learned about crystal healing and other ways of relaxing and healing, the better Willow felt. So they kept learning more and practicing and became the wise wholesome bean they are today. X3

Somewhere along the travels and learning, Willow found a cave far enough away from humans for them to feel comfortable staying. As they were rather tired from their travels they made sure the cave was safe and spent the night in the cave. The next day they investigated it and realized it was a cave system of many rooms and halls. They really like the layout and how at home the cave made them feel. So they made the cave their home. 

Little did they know, there was another cave system not that far from the mountain they lived in. Where a Dutch angel dragon had settled down with the little pack they created that continues to grow. 

But that is a story I will continue another time. 
