Lillian (Lily) Minerva Abbott



7 years, 7 months ago



Lillian Abbott

Adaptive . Curious . Dismissive


Name Lillian Minerva Abbott
Called Lily
Gender cis female
Pronouns she/her
Age 16
Species Human
Role Hunter
Theme x
CSS Pinky
Owner March

A young human born to the large Abbott family. She is the youngest of her siblings and feels she has the most to prove out of the rest of them. She has a high intellect and is often seen engineering weapons, often interested in imbuing magic into otherwise simple weapons. Despite being often irritated and busy, Lily holds her loved ones in high regards and is generally loyal and reliable.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Bold Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Careful Reckless
Humorous Serious
Calm Irritable
Diligent Lazy
Idealistic Pragmatic
Frugal Excessive
Sign Capricorn
MBTI intp
Enneagram 5w4
Gemstone Emerald
Sin Envy
Virtue Fortitude


  • Learning mechanics
  • Showing off (modestly!)
  • Getting the last laugh
  • Being near water


  • Being last in anything
  • The concept of death
  • Overstimulation


  • Engineering
  • Reading
  • Hunting (or shooting targets)


Height 5'0
Build Petite
Demeanor Determined
  • The sloppiest dressed of her family.
  • Clothes are often stained...
  • She's currently in her tomboy phase... so no dresses
  • Often has her hair up in a ponytail.



Lily has dedicated so much time to improving her aim in order to surpass her siblings that she has become a sharp shooter. However, she now constantly stresses and obsesses over making sure her aim is good...

Essence Bullets

In her free time Lily has developed a way to harness the essence of Cambion and Nephilim creatures, and has attempted to imbue this essence into bullets for her gun. However, it is hardly developed at this point, and her essence bullets are unpredictable and not easy to use.


Lily also has a mind for mechanics and engineering. Sometimes however this skill is wasted in her efforts to be a better aim, so many of her experiements and inventions are halfbaked at best.


Determination is one of Lily's greatest qualities, so much so that it becomes its own skill for her. As a smaller underdog (specifically within her family) Lily has learned to turn her frustrations into pure motivation, often not letting anyone get in the way of her focus and aspirations.




Born Lillian Minerva Abbott, Lily is the youngest of the prolific Abbott's, a vast hunting family in the town of Feldgrau. Growing up Lily had an easy childhood, albeit lonely and lacking in certain areas. As a child she was often seen reading or observing others, not finding much need in interacting for a long time. Once she gained her footing, she often wanted to lead others but we never taken very seriously due to her age and small stature. AS she grows, she becomes more outspoken but still struggles interacting with others, preferring in general to dive into her work on her own.


Lily acts as a companion to the main trio, but it is somewhat in her own self interest. She is fascinated with Ariana's cambion summoning, a curiosity that would lead to her development of Essence for humans to use against monsters. Sometimes she requires help with various small tasks, and will ask the trio for assistance. Through these small interactions, she becomes a bigger character throughout the story once she grows attached to the trio and other main characters along the way. A major turning point for her is her first major fight with Evelyn and nearly dying, being saved by Yichen by him pushing her into running water to escape. This helped her get over her irrational fear of death, which prevents her from being as good of a hunter as she wishes to be. Once safe and home, she writes a letter to her older brother Calden, letting him know she knew what her path was and leaving to aid Yichen in finding justice for humankind against the cambion and nephilim.


In her older age, Lily has become more balanced in her emotions and deals better with her frustrations. She develops her own pain of guns known as Anima and Animus, fully utilizing Essence within each gun. Ontop of this, she has two children, Caspian and Cordelia. Lily takes an unconventional turn when raising them, keeping them somewhat separate from her traditional family and instead having them learn under different hunting families to expand their knowledge of hunting. She relaxes a little more as she ages as well, picking up a love for sewing and ritiring from engineering after she develops her guns.


  • Both of Lily's children are named after bodies of water, due to her love of the water.
  • Essence was discovered as a byproduct of Lily's irrational fear of death. Through trying to find a way to become immortal, she discovers a way to extract Armani's Essence, leading to her development of Essence bullets.
  • The only sibling Lily trusts is Calden. It is an unspoken trust.
  • Anima and Animus are based on the concepts presented in jungian psychology.


Calden Abbott


Distant mentor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Armani Albescu



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.