
Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: March 12th

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Purple

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Captain of the Aquinous Military

Loves: The Art of War by Sun Tzu, The long game paying off

Hates: Any insult to her abilities as a commander, dull weapons in use

    Born in Aquinous, and raised by the militaristic family of the Mirakamis. About every single member of the family is and/or has been involved with the military in some way, and her and her twin sister were going to be a part of it too whether they know it or not. Her family often aided her in homework, sometimes doing it for them and made them trade in about every kind of weapon every single day. And when the time came, they both to join the military.


    Doma is often of the twins to be the quietest and one with a scroll not too far away, but often is thinking more about the long game and how to win it. Her father filled her mind and Raita's mind with stories of the generals and their victories, but Doma stopped going to those storytime sessions until she was done researching how the generals won. The more she read into them, the more she became fascinated by all the tactics and how people won against each other, making her want to focus not on the military might, but on the ways one can use tactics to tip battles in their favors. It was during their sparring exam where herself and her twin sister, Doma, ended up sparring against each other but it kept ending in a draw due to how the both of them worked in different areas of combat. Seperated they were just at odds, but when working together in War Games they earned high remarks and ended up entering the military high ranks but only as a duo. In current times, the two are recognized as the "Mirakami Captains," with Doma referred to as the brains of the captains, often seen in the war room or tent continously testing out her stratagy with other collegues.