Varanis Rivera (Varanis Taxonomical Traits)



1 year, 10 months ago


Physical Traits

Enhanced physical ability such as easier muscle gain/strength, and faster regeneration on top of the tough skin/scales, he can stick back on a lost limb to reattach but he can't grow a limb back once it's permanantly lost/or in a state beyond recovery

Varanis has venomous saliva, it's not lethal like usual Komodo dragon venom, but still hardens blood, he can paralyze someone by hardening their blood or harden blood for various uses like spikes 

His tonuge can detect smell and taste, also has cold blood but under certain conditions it can become regular warm blood (Anger, anxiety, anything that heats a person up)

Poor night vision, like his eyes doesn't adjust to the dark as much as humans do

He can also unhinge his jaw however he woudn't even be caught dead doing that, Varanis's mouth is more open then a regular humans mouth, its longer slits on the side where you can see the gums similar to a Komodo dragon, he can also retract his teeth inside his gums (can still bite with it retracted)

Varanis where he has green scales he is scaled is basically armored scales, which are basically like small bones and a natural chain mail, however the only exception to this is the underside of his hands, despite being covered in scales it's the same softness/smoothness as regular scale/skin

Varanis hair is like.. super smooth... like scale smooth despite being like regular hair texture, it can harden on some occasions though

Thick gums and this will take a long time to explain because Komodo dragon teeth are quite complex but he has "Ziphodont teeth" otherwise known as "Sword teeth" or Serrated teeth , they aren't design to crush but rather to "cut" 

He has a multiple array of teeth and can go through multiple sets, Komodo dragons similarly to sharks have teeth push up from an empty socket rather then "Regrow" 

he was born from an egg..?

Venom buildup - Varanis's venom saliva can clot his own blood inside of him so he has to vomit the venom periodically other wise he will get paralyzed himself which has dire consequences or be forced to vomit a bunch of blood, not a pretty sight either way

Behavior Traits

Enhanced Solitary Instinct - Real life komodo dragons are solitary animals however due to natural nuclear rejection his desire to be alone is enhanced and he will be made uncomfortable, agitated, given any sort of negative emotion if his boundaries are not respected

Enhanced traits under stress - Following up this trait, under certain levels of elevating stress his taxonomy traits will become stronger, such as enhanced strength, muscle, stronger bones, skin, and scales, etc, he can control himself during this just fine but it's super bad for his mental health