


4 years, 2 months ago



 Eloria was born into a powerful clan that calls a vast landscape home.  During the winter the plains, mountains and valleys freeze making the ones who live throughout the year some of the hardiest humans around.  The tribe spends the short warm weather gathering, hunting and trading.  Due to her groups leatherworking and apothecary skills (which aids in both there medicine and wine making) they are the richest tribe with the best trade with outsiders.    Eloria's mother is one of the clans greatest hunters and her father one of the most skilled wine makers.  Her aunts the best at making the tribes gear.  Sadly the prestige of such a family was dampened because of her poor eyesight.  Though in a city or even a farmer in a calmer area would find her eyesight only a minor issue to overcome the tribes find it a great handicap.  Even though her father was able to get her glasses she was still looked at as handicapped.  Her saving grace was a lovely voice and the ability to excel at everything the medicine makers and leather workers and crafters taught her.  Even as a child she was crafting as well or better than those twice her age.  When her mother refused to take her out to teach her to hunt her father traded for a traveling group of traders wintering with the tribe to teach her to play music.  A skill that drew a lot of attention during snowed in weather.

    Though her parents feared her handicap might ward off potential suitors one of the clans families decided she would be a good match.  There son was showing a good mind in working with outsiders on trade deals and her singing and amiable manner in showing crafts at gatherings boded well for her helping him.  Not wishing her daughter to spend her life as a old single caretaker for other peoples kids her mother told her she would spend the winter crafting things for there new home and marry during the spring festivities.Eloria insisted on staying the winter in a cabin far from the wintering grounds.  Not uncommon for members of the tribe to spend most of the time before a life change on working and meditation (to them the two go together as work helps to keep people focused).  Though not liking how far away she insisted on the isolation Eloria's father had all the supplies she would need loaded and sent to the cabin.  While trying to decide whether to run away or not closer to spring an early and extremely violent ice storm hit.     She prepared to hunker down in the cabin and wait out the winter.  Only she heard a sound other than the wind and on looking out saw what looked like a fire falling out of the sky.  On investigating, made hard because her glasses were fogging, she found Keenan (in human form) stumbling through the trees bleeding and completely dazed.  Even after realizing he was not quite normal she took him, by then unconscious, to the cabin and nursed him back to health.

    She now travels with Keenan, often being the one to deal directly with most people in towns and cities.  She is the only one (besides Magdala) who Keenan will 'casually' allow to ride him in dragon form.








17 when she leaves home.


Human from a tribe of herders and hunter/gatherers


5' 6''   



She carries around Keenan's sword and also travels with a lute and leatherworking kit.



Ballads and story type songs


She has a guilty love for baked sweets.


Hot spiced teas and wines. 


Her lute and her tool kit


Keenan and Magdala




Anything that is seems like just noise and yelling


Salted fish and travel bread.


She has a hatred for a winter time health drink her tribe makes.




Hot and humid


1.    She has horrible eyesight without her glasses. 

2.    She is one of the least prejudice people ever born.  Despite racial stereotyping she's willing to give any body the benefit of the doubt.   She could get along with nearly any sentient creature.

3.    She's much stronger than she looks.  She can carry a grown man on her back through the snow for several yards.

4.    She's a great horse back rider (among other riding animals)

5.    She gets really angry if someone is abusing work animals. 

6.    She is a great singer and cook.  Often getting room and board in exchange for cooking or working as a bard.

7.  One of her best paying jobs, (and one Keenen hated) was as a ballad teacher and nanny for some nobles choosing to travel across country and the ocean by wagon and slow cruise boat.  

8.    She has a number of people who have proposed to her.  Including a knight who was just letting her know he wished he met her when he was younger.  Also a good friend h=who she thinks was joking.

1. A little-known talent of your OC?
 Eloria: I'm good at brewing beers and wine. It's rather a common skill in my clan.  But it's apparently odd for a wondering singer to know those things.

2. What trait does your OC like best about themself? (Eyes, guitar skills, random bird facts, etc)
Eloria:  I like my singing.  It makes a lot of people happy and also helps bribe our way into traveling groups.

3. How many pillows does your OC sleep with?
Eloria: As many as I can get   I do like to snuggle into cushions if I'm able.

4. Is your OC good at keeping secrets?
Eloria: I love telling stories, but I know when to keep things to myself.

5. Your OC's worst habit?
Eloria: Picking at my nails.  DON"T LOOK!

6. Does your OC prefer tennis shoes/sneakers or flip flops?
Eloria:  Um . . . Traveling boots.

7. What is your OC's opinion on body modifications?
Eloria:  I guess if people want to get tattoos or piercings, it's their thing.  Some groups see a lot of symbolism in it.  But I've seen people go to warlocks to be changed, usually for violent minded reasons.  That's just horrible.

8. Your OC is given a full-ride scholarship to any college they could want to go to. Where do they go and what do they major in?
Eloria:  There's a college in the capital that teaches gourmet cooking in one of it's classes.  I would love to go.

9. What chore does your OC hate the most?
Eloria: Gathering firewood.  

10. Would your OC prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
Eloria:  I love visiting small towns.  But I love the country.

11. Is your OC a blanket hog?
Keegan:  Yes, she is.
Random:  She also tosses and turns.  She kicked me off the sleeping mat into the snow.
Eloria:  You two are horrible.  That only happens if I have a nightmare.

12. Would your OC play by the rules in a fight or take cheap shots?
Eloria:  My clan says the only rule in fighting is to live.

13. Does your OC have a widow 's peak?

14. Happy birthday! What kind of present would your OC want?
Eloria: A cookbook.  I love finding new recipes.

15. Something that grosses your OC out?
Eloria:  Have you ever seen insects eating a creature alive?  It's pretty bad.

16. Your OC is suddenly on an adventure! Where do they go and what do they do?
Eloria:  (Laughs)  I don't know, wonder the world with a firemage were-dragon.

17. Is there a real person that looks like your OC?
Not that I can think of off the Top of my head.

18. Something that makes your OC laugh without fail?
Eloria: Whenever Keenan can't get Magdala to listen.  The wake up calls are hilarious.  Stories portray familiars as being servants.  Apparently that can go the other way around.

19. Something that makes your OC cry without fail?
Eloria:  I get emotional after playing too many sad songs.

20. A obscure/ridiculous fear your OC has?
Eloria:   I have a reoccurring nightmare where a weird creature tries to kidnap me.  I find myself thinking about it when I'm alone on a really dark night.

21. Does your OC have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc?
Eloria:  My vision.  A disability like poor vision can pretty much take over your life in my peoples culture.

22. Does your OC get frustrated when people forget to close the door behind themselves?
Eloria: That would really depend on the weather.  If you let snow or rain in our house growing up, mom would make you sleep in the puddle.

23. What is your OC's first memory?
Eloria:  It's hard to say. One of my most vivid memories is feeling really sick for a long time and a doctor coming to see me and my mother crying.  If you knew my mother you'd know that's weird. Even the death of a clan member brought few tears from my mother.  Even as a tiny kid I remember being scared.  

24. Something you like that your OC would hate?
Eloria: Someone tried to give me a vest made out of dragon leather once.  As you can imagine I have reason to me angry.

(I think the real vest was alligator or crocodile.  But that wouldn't have fit with the fantasy theme of the craft booth.  Sadly I didn't have that kind of money for a little used peace of clothing)

25. Your OC is going into battle/on a mission! What song is their anthem?

Eloria:  I try to not go into battle. 

26. Does your OC have good or bad posture?

Eloria:  I've been told I can be very proper when I try.

27. Most despicable thing your OC has ever done?

Eloria:  I ran away from my clan after promising to marry someone.

28. Is your OC a conspiracy theorist?

Eloria:  I like good stories, but I like to try to know the difference between real and hysteria.

29. Someone does something awful in front of your OC. How do they handle it?

Eloria:  Define how awful we're talking. 

30. What is your OC's favorite drink?

Eloria:  Spiced wine or teas.

31. Does your OC prefer to sleep in a warm or cool area?

Eloria:  There's something very relaxing about the weather being cold but you bed being warm.

32. Would your OC like you if they met you?

I think we would get along pretty well.

33. A song that reminds you of your OC?

These are hard to answer.  I listen to a lot of music while working on things.  Some songs could be considered more appropriate than others.  Some it may just be one line that clicks while the rest doesn't fit.  Here's a few that I liked to listen while coming up with Eloria and Keenan's story



34. Is your OC a nail biter?

Eloria:  More like a nail peeler. 

35. What is your OC's favorite quote?
Eloria:  Food and music are better to solve problems than fighting.

36. Your OC's favorite fashion era? (20's, 70's, etc)
Eloria:  I love seeing a variety of fashions.  It can be as informative about a place as the food.

37. Does your OC get excited when they get mail?
Eloria:  It's exciting to get messages and letters. Especially when it's to invite you somewhere.

38. Random thunderstorm! How does your OC react?
Eloria:  Usually I try to find cover.  They do like to hit while we're away from buildings.

39. A strange talent of your OC?
Keenan:  She can make edible food almost anywhere

as long as she doesn't use turnips

Eloria:  What are you muttering?

Keenan:  Nothing.

40. Assuming your OC doesn't have them already, what superpower would they want? If they do already, would they change it, keep it, or get rid of it?

Eloria:  Theirs a story about a guy who could heal the sick by singing.  I would love to have that power.

41. Does your OC like/make puns?

Eloria:  I like a good joke.  Even if it's the silly kind.

42. What kind of shampoo does your OC use?

Eloria:  I like to get soaps and shampoos with as little scent  as possible and add my own scents and herbs.

43. Your OC wakes up with a coin super glued to their forehead. How do they react?

Eloria:  How angry I get would depend on the value of the coin  

44. Can your OC sleep if there's any kind of light?

Eloria:  I can sleep under a lot of conditions.  You'd be surprised.

45. What kind of self-esteem does your OC have?

ELoria:  I try to keep a positive attitude.  It can be hard to not feel down at times though.

46. A word that your OC can't stand?

Eloria: Savage.  It seems to be thrown out at people everytime someone is looking for an excuse to be afraid of or dislike them.

47. Does your OC fold their clothes, hang them up, or just leave them in the basket/dryer?

Eloria-  If I'm staying someplace for awhile I love to take advantage of dressers and closets.  Normally I have to just fold and roll them up compactly and put them in the backpack.

48. Would society call your OC a good guy or a bad guy? What would they say they are?

Eloria:  Most people seem to like.  A few towns were left with a less than desirable opinion of me after a bit of . . . trouble.  But they started it.

49. Your OC's most prized possession?

Eloria:  My lute.

50. What is your OC's happy place?

Eloria:  I travel a lot.  So it's hard to have any one favorite place. Anywhere away from the noise of a lot of people is nice at  times.