Galileo Windsong 💫





* female (she/they); she's technically cis but she defines what femininity is to her
* goes by "the seer" or "gale" with most people; also responds to "angel" and "birdie"
* world traveler + multiversal - "projects" like a hologram (and is usually near-transparent like this), but can be "physical" if she allows herself to be (or if she's an in-game avatar of some kind)
    * becoming physical used to be quite rare but after more confidence some years ago she's more likely to present herself in universes she travels to. general rule though is if the universe is meta / breaks the fourth wall in any way, she can be seen
    * completely physical when traveling in dreams, and Can get hurt in them
* seer of dream world -- can see into the multiverse and see what's going on in particular universes, dimensions or timelines
    * also known to have premonitions/visions of her own universe in the form of dreams/daydreams
* same level of control over the thoughts that wings has
* also has teleportation, flying (she can summon a pair of wings that Can change color but is most often white) and general world hopping
* has healing magic!! she can heal physical injuries on herself or others if she really has to
* can and will vibe check canon timelines of things and creates ones where people that deserve better get better endings, within narrative reason. if she can see it fitting that they get something better, then she'll make it happen
* hair turns dark brown (or even black) and gets slightly longer when she's in a negative mental state, similar to her younger self . she also gets a pair of animal ears on her head and a lashing tail when this happens

* autistic + adhd-combined type
     * visibly stims when excited!! lots of physical stims (jumping, hand flapping) and vocal stims (happy squeaks or humming)
     * paces around a lot; typically seen pacing around the island thinkin abt whatever
     * not the best at volume control; tries to speak quietly when she needs to, but get her excited and that Quickly Changes
     * enjoys soft textured things, like blankets, hoodies or plushies
     * music is not just auditory, it is a full body experience. ADORES when things are timed to a rhythm or beat. if there is a rhythm she can hear, wherever she is, she will fall in line with it
     * sensitive to loud/high-pitched noises (fireworks, whistles, fire alarms, distressed yelling, etc)
     * has a wide assortment of comfort items / stim toys she'll summon if she needs them! (im gonna make a tab for them eventually)
* pacifistic optimist; her optimism is practically unshakeable and she Will Not hesitate to validate someone if they need it
* has a trumpet she uses as a weapon if needed; she may not know how to necessarily Fight, but she knows how to make some noise. the notes she plays, along with any melodies, act as projectiles that explode upon contact with an enemy, beams of light acting as lasers, or soundwaves that do damage
      * she can do this with singing, too! though in that case it's soundwaves more often than not
              * as a last resort mechanism, she can SCREAM at the top of her lungs and create a shockwave that does massive damage to everything around her, and can even "shatter" the timeline in a way with enough force behind it

* deeply passionate about her interests and her friends
* extroverted and loves talking to people once she gets past the initial icebreaking phase, but does appreciate her alone time
* doesn't like being alone if she doesn't want to be, especially if she's in an unfamiliar place and doesn't know what's going on
* EXTREMELY sensitive to emotions, both her own and others; can "read" people's "auras", and is very emotionally expressive, wearing her heart on her sleeve. instinctively wants to help those who are suffering, and can take on their own problems as her responsibility if she gets too invested (she is working to separate the two). would trade the world for her friends at any given moment
* brutally honest, in every sense of the word. she doesn't have a poker face, nor can she lie to save her life
* scared of medical needles, the dark, dying, and forgetting / losing things that she can't get back
* can senselessly blame herself for things, especially if she doesn't meet her own standards or hurts people, even accidentally. she's working on it though
* sets rules for herself that she then tries to break upon realizing the silliness of these rules
* deeply averse to interpersonal conflict and avoids it whenever possible (she's working on Addressing said conflict when she needs to). knows how and when to run away to get out of a situation whether she has to or not.
* most often seen in casual clothes (jeans/sweats/shorts, t-shirt/tank top, sneakers, a hoodie if she can whether around her waist or On her) unless she specifically has to Not wear casual clothes. she's slowly incorporating skirts as well!
      * can often be seen in fandom-based clothing, like graphic tees! her outfit can also change with her dimension
      * can be seen wearing a pair of wireless rose gold over-ear headphones around her neck (always) or on her ears from time to time
      * sometimes wears a dice cage necklace! the d20 inside is a custom die designed after her by patchwork. whenever she needs a particular die, derek will provide it from his stomach!
               * in the blue veil / tabletop universes, this acts as an arcane focus for her!
      * tends to be grumpy about wearing super fancy clothing bc Fashion Norms Weird, but she's working on this too and when she feels Confident in a fancy outfit she has a GREAT TIME
      * sometimes wears armor but rarely and only if she has to

* panro + queerplatonic + grayace w a demi blanket over the whole thing
* dating patchwork
* in a queerplatonic relationship with neon
* childhood friend of sparkle
* sees yume as family and would do anything for kit
* vernal is her brother (in arms / found family) and in certain, rare circumstances, Cain Instinct >:3

* she would lay everything down for the island and everyone on it Please ask her about her characters she Loves Them So Much GOD
* honestly just ask her what universes she's been to and she'll Go Off