Lydia Archana ☁️💫



created 5/17/2017

* female (she/her)
* ~2,000 years old (physically around early to mid 30s)
* neutral good
* angel solar / lunar knight (way of the healing sun/ moon)
       * homebrew race + class; basically a paladin of pelor but with wings
       * also yes this means i technically had a dark souls character before ever playing dark souls
* combat medic background -- can hit you really, REALLY hard, but also heal the party if she needs to
* my first tabletop + d&d character after (at the time) 7 yrs of roleplaying/story creating and she's SO GOOD I LOVE HER
* playlist:

* (eventual) wife to orpheus and mother of sophie

* not necessarily extroverted, but does enjoy conversation; speaks with a calm demeanor (unless she's pissed and then she'll get loud. be very afraid when she's loud)
* tries to be polite and respectful to others to give off a good impression but can joke around with her party members
* can be awkward socially when it comes to various "human" topics (bar fights, sexuality, etc) but is hella strong in a fight
* shes buff and can whack you with a sword and will ABSOLUTELY spar with you she loves sparring
* focused on doing the right thing in a situation but understands that can come at a cost and not always be "the right thing"
* incredibly attached to her party and would lay her life down for them; gets incredibly upset/concerned when they're not okay and misses the ones who leave the party. shes very much a mom friend and will take care of friends and emphasize them taking care of themselves as well (but if they get into a bar fight that's their fault right up until they get seriously hurt). unfortunately, sometimes this worry goes too far and it starts having an impact on her as well
* being an angel, a soldier and a medic, she tries to maintain an image of hope, peace and positivity wherever she goes, masking her true emotions unless no one else is around. if this image falters around the party (she needs help, she hurts someone, they notice she's not okay) she can feel quite embarrassed. when she's pushed past a certain point she becomes irrational and reckless in her decisions
* she deals with anxiety regarding devils and demons after the events of the durgus arc where she saved astora from the devil army, along with finding tobias dead after leaving him behind
* she also has a large, prominent burn scar on her right shoulder from one of durgus's attacks
* tldr she's riza hawkeye with a sword

* born to asella karinness, a solar knight, and valkyrie archana, a lunar knight
* unable to enter elysium or the gates of the moon due to being an angel of both pelor And selune, which is a Very rare case
* it was decided asella'd raise her in elysium, so valk's brother, camaiel, sealed her lunar powers inside a ring. this ring was placed inside asella's family locket, along with a note from valkyrie about the ring and a picture of lydia with her parents, to keep the magic safe once it entered elysium, and asella gave the locket to a baby lydia once they arrived
* raised as a solar knight; lydia highly looked up to her mother for her optimism and fighting style
* valk was never discussed much, so lydia never paid him much mind
* after she got older and parted ways with asella, she followed her footsteps, serving as a combat medic in the heavenly planes
* picked up a greater knowledge of fighting with many weapons during this time, but prefers swords
* due to asella being secretive of lydia's past and never discussing the "pendant" she was given as a child, lydia became curious and decided to search for answers herself, traveling to the material plane to get them
* while traveling the material plane, lydia provided aid in whatever conflict she came across as a neutral party; this gave her not only an expanded knowledge of medicine and healing, but a deeper understanding and interest of humans and other mortal creatures
* worked alone, traveling from place to place with no real companions, often finding company in whoever she was aiding at the time
* sometime during these travels, though, she was captured by the cult of kazgari and imprisoned along with a marunae, a vulpin and a changeling... and it's there where the story really begins.

* important object: a locket she wears around her neck blessed by both pelor and selune that was given to her by her mother as a child
* inside this locket is three things: a picture of her and her parents, asella and valk; a ring with a blue stone; and a note saying that if she ever wanted to "reveal her other half," to put on said ring. when she puts the ring on, she shifts into her lunar knight form, which gives her a different appearance. in this form she's able to cast spells and derive her power from the moon instead of the sun
* "well what happens during an eclipse? that's both the moon AND the sun, does she get power from both?" :)