Tiger that Runs through Sand..



4 years, 3 months ago


My character in this group: https://www.deviantart.com/the-lost-valley


Name: Tiger that Runs through Sandstorm [Tiger]

Age (Starting Age): 12 moons
Age (Current Age): 26 moons (last edited 09. April 2021)

Gender: Male (he/him)

Orientation: Panromantic/Asexual

Rank: Prey Hunter

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: Tiger is a sand-colored tom, with a few lighter markings and darker tabby stripes on his pelt. His eyes are colored in an intense green.

Personality: Tiger is a rather obedient cat, who still has to learn to speak up for himself. He rather stays in a position that makes him unhappy if it brings others joy, though he is slowly learning to overcome this. Even if he was a Claw Guard To-Be for most of his time as To-Be, he isn't really cut out for fighting, way too nervous for it. He doesn't likes bloodshed at all and rather likes to solve conflict with words. He stayed alone until his late To-Be time, too afraid that anyone might discover his secret, but he is slowly opening up to the cats around him. If you get through his walls he is a very friendly and calm tom, who lens you an ear if something is bothering you. He will try to help you as best as he can.

Positive Traits: 

- Calm

- Empathetic

- Friendly

Neutral Traits: 

- Quiet

- Private

- Solitary

Negative Traits: 

- Anxious/Fearful

- Cautious

- Insecure

Any Shop Traits: 

- accessory: hawk talon (found on quest, later lost on another quest)


Father: Wind that Whips at Mountain (Wind), Claw Guard

Mother: Night of few Stars (Night), Claw Guard

Brother+Sister: They both died shortly after being born and haven't received any names.

Adoptive Father: Hawk that Soars at Dawn (Hawk), Claw Guard (https://www.deviantart.com/okamisa-l/art/Hawk-that-Soars-at-Dawn-TLV-848288221)

Stats (1-10 System)

- Strength: 3

- Dexterity: 7

- Constitution: 5

- Intelligence: 4

- Wisdom: 2

- Charisma: 5

- Speed: 8

- Stealth: 8

- Battle Tactics (Defense): 4 

- Battle Strategy: 2

- Hunting Skills: 8

- Medical Knowledge: 3

- Kit Care Knowledge: 0

- Fishing: 5

- Swimming: 6

Opinions and Beliefs

Religion: He doesn't really knows if he should believe in The Tribe of Endless Hunting, though if they were really up there in the sky it sounded like a nice thought. What would be better then to hunt for all eternity?

Superstitious: It's the same as with the The Tribe of Endless Hunting, he just isn't really sure about it. Though he also doesn't really likes thinking about it since it is a really scary story.

Path Finder: The Path Finder is very wise and he respects him for that. Tiger is sure a cat as old as him has to know a solution to every problem and he is impressed that a cat can take the responsibility to care for a whole Tribe all by themselves.

Who Deserves to Be Heir: Someone who is kind and fair. He can't think of a specific cat but he hopes the Tribe will continue to stay at peace with the future Path Finder.

Prey Hunters: Prey Hunters are so impressive and of course really important for the Tribe. Without them many of them wouldn't have anything to eat on some days and he really sees up to them. They all seem to be so elegant and fast. He hopes he can be like them some day, now that he is training under them.
Claw Guards: They are alright. They are as important as the Prey Hunters, since without them the Prey Hunters would always have to look out for any dangers while hunting. Though he thinks some of the Claw Guards are a bit too harsh sometimes. Not everything had to be solved with claws and bloodshed.

Healers: Healers are really impressive as well. All the knowledge about herbs they have and how quick they can heal their Tribe members, it truly is amazing.

The Tribe As A Whole: He likes his Tribe. Though he also doesn't knows any different live so how could he know if this Tribe really was perfect? The only thing he knows is that he adores all those hard working cats in his Tribe and he respects them all for that. He sadly doesn't knows many of them personally, but he is slowly beginning to get to know them



He was born with two other kitten to Night and Wind, though something went wrong which costed his siblings their lives and also nearly took his mother to The Tribe of Endless Hunting. She had luck though and with the help of their skillful Healers recovered well. But they suggested her to not get a litter again, since the chance of her dying the next time were even higher. Both Night and Wind agreed to this, even if it made them a little sad. Though they tried to stay optimistic, in the end they still had their one perfect kit.

Naming him after a strong animal, they early on made plans for Tigers life. They had always wanted a kit that would step in their paw steps and so pushed their kit into the direction of being a Claw Guard, thinking it would be the best path to take for their kit. Tiger saw that a little different. He never liked the play-fights he had to do with his 'friends'. His friends being young kittens who seemed promising on becoming a Claw Guard, he wasn't allowed to play with any of the Prey Hunter kits. Though since his parents always told him about their great plans for him and of him stepping into their paw steps, he didn't wanted to tell them about his complaints. He knew he was the only kit they were able to have, they told him so early on. He didn't wanted them to be disappointed of their only child, even feared it. So he played along, trying to find his place as a future Claw Guard.


When he was asked as what he wanted to train he of course said Claw Guard, even if his heart screamed Prey Hunter at the very same time. 

He wasn't really good in training, always getting overpowered by another apprentice. Tiger had tried, he really had but the thought of having to fight, to injure or even kill just made him uneasy. Though he would tell his parents all the time how much fun he had while training and how he was getting better and better every time, when in reality he suffered from his inability to speak up about his true feelings. 

Cutting himself off from his fellow To-Be's and his parents most of the time, he is alone often. Keeps all his inner turmoil to himself. The only time he can get all this heavy thoughts past him is when he sneaks out of camp to watch the Prey Hunter To-Be's train. He would sometimes even try to mirror what they did, though it probably looked completely ridiculous. A Claw Guard trying to hunt? It sounded more like a bad joke. At least if you asked his parents.

He dreads the day when he really had to fight. A predator or a hostile cat. He didn't know if he could injure another cat or not die the second a predator stood in front of his nose. So far he was able to avoid training while his parents would be able to see him but he knew sooner or later they would find out that he was a miserable Claw Guard, he just hoped they wouldn't yell at him.

Tiger also isn't looking forward to the day of his Quest of Belonging, since he doesn't feels like he belonged in the position he is in right now at all.

One day Blaze of Heavy Sunrise and Cold of Early Sunrise challenged him to a dare. He had to go into the old badger caves and bring back a trophy from deep within. But what was that about saying hi to Old Fang, he thought there was no one in those tunnels anymore? https://toyhou.se/~literature/51523.double-dare-you-quest

A little later, a patrol reported the traces of a giant (cougar) in the near of camp. The tribe was set into and alarmed state at these news and no one was allowed to go out of camp without a fully grown Claw Guard. Though at exactly this time Salmon That Leaps From River had promised him that he would be able to lead his first patrol. Already glad that Tiger wouldn't have to do this very patrol, he didn't see coming that Salmon would try his best to change their Path Finders mind about it and in the end he was allowed to do this patrol anyways. He dreaded the patrol, even if he didn't got any difficult tasks to choose from. His parents were really angry about the easy tasks he got, but couldn't do anything about it. 

From all those tasks, he chose the easiest, the one where the chance to get into a fight was the lowest of all of them. It went well, except his little panic outbreak about the bear cub print they had found. Overall a good patrol, but would Salmon and his parents see it the same way? https://toyhou.se/~literature/52564.patrol-at-the-river-bank-quest

Having disappointed his parents with the last patrol, Tiger tried to make it up with more training. He had found Hawk that Soars at Dawn one day to train him and the training went over all really well. He liked the Claw Guard and his friendly personality. The training of the toms drifting off to a conversation in which Hawk got the fact out of Tiger, that he actually didn't wanted to fight. That he wanted to try out the Prey Hunter training, though with Tiger still being too afraid that his parents would find out about it, they decided to keep it a secret between the two. Tiger felt relaxed, felt happy in Hawk's presence. He began to trust the Claw Guard and he knew the tom would have his back with whatever decision he decided to make about his future.

Tiger began to feel a tugging feeling towards the badger tunnels where he had met the ghost. He decided to follow this feeling and got down two more times into the dark tunnels. The second time, there was nothing. No ghost, no way to go deeper inside. He was sad, thinking that the ghost might not want to see him again for some reason and he wasn't sure if he would come back again.

Though, there was a third time after all and it would be the last time, at least for now.

Watching the training of the youngest Claw Guard To-Be's on a hot day, Tiger saw a hawk fly in the direction of the old badger tunnels. He saw it as a sign, because of the hawk talon the ghost gifted to him on their first meeting and so he decided to follow the bird. A fellow Claw Guard To-Be, Honk of Angry Goose, followed him as he stalked away from the training grounds. Tiger didn't mind it though, since Honk could show him if the ghost he had seen really existed, or if he had maybe just imagined it. He gave the other To-Be not much information as he asked the other to go down into the tunnels with him. They got in the dens with no problem and Tiger didn't felt afraid like the last time he had been going down these tunnels. Back when Cold and Blaze had dared him to do it. He let Honk in the big gave with the tree roots he had heard the ghost the first time and started to call out for her. He hadn't really thought that it would work, doing it more because he was desperate to prove that it had been real and to see her again. And the Ghost heard him, showing up as black smoke with blue eyes behind Honk, who at the moment could neither see nor hear them.

The next thing that happened, was that the black smoke was surrounding Honk, streaming into his body while it lay to the ground. Tiger was shocked and confused, afraid the other tom was dead, when all of a sudden one of his eyes opened. But instead of the normally green color, he could see only a blue eye. And when the other opened his mouth, a female voice came out of his mouth. The voice of the ghost. He was too overwhelmed, that he couldn't do much more then talk, asking questions and answering hers. Through that, he discovered that her name was Wing. Wing That Carries Hawk. A former Prey Hunter To-Be. And she knew his secret, knew that he didn't wanted to be a Claw Guard. 

Wing wanted to make a deal with him. He helped her out of the badger tunnels and she would help him to get the courage he needed to finally speak up. He agreed that he would try his best to help her out, but under one condition. She had to let go of Honk's body and not do this to any other tribe cat. She agreed. But the moment the smoke left the other To-Be's body, it came right for Tiger. Luring him in and making it unable for him to fight back or move as she told him whose body she really wanted and it was Tiger's.

Meanwhile, Honk slowly got his consciousness back, now able to see the ghost and the danger Tiger was in. He grabbed the sandy tom's leg and began dragging him out of the den and out of the tunnels. Wing tried to hold Tiger there with her claws, but she wasn't able to hold on and the two To-Be's got out of the tunnel. The ghost wasn't able to leave the tunnels and so they were save. For now. Though Tiger could still hear her haunting voice "You owe me. You owe me. You owe me."

Honk and Tiger talked on their way back to camp and in their den as well. Tiger showed the other his hawk talon. While they talked many cats joined in from time to time, some only staying short and one staying until the end. First, the kit Tiger had told a story about the ghost after his first visit. Cry of Brave Bear. Second, the cat that stayed, Bog of Many Mushrooms. Third, the cat who helped to calm them down as the discussion got a bit heated, Beach Where Waves Crash.

In their discussion, Honk, Tiger and Shroom decided to try and help the ghost. Honk wasn't excited about it and really only agreed, because he knew that Tiger and Shroom would do it either way and someone needed to stop them if they would try something too risky. Though Tiger and especially Shroom were convinced that they had to help the ghost out of the tunnels and help her find her way to their ancestors. Shroom had been down in the tunnels one time as well, Wing had gifted him the feather of a Hawk. After the discussion, the three toms had a plan.

With now 15 moons, Tiger knew his Quest of Belonging was soon to come and he felt more miserable every day. He knew he would have to decide and decide soon if he still wanted to change his future. After another talk with Hawk, he finally found the courage to go to their Path Finder. Together with the Claw Guard, he visited Thorn That Guards Roses and told him of his wish to switch over to the Prey Hunters. Thorn made it clear, that his training would be very hard and that he would have to train a lot to still get on the level to be able to do his Quest of Belonging well and Tiger promised that he would give his best.

From that day on, Tiger was finally starting to train as a Prey Hunter.

His parents were angry about those news when Tiger told them. A loud argument followed, mostly driven by his parents, which was probably heard from all the cats around them. But after Tiger still stayed with his decision to now change his career his parents turned their backs on him and started to ignore him. Though, when Tiger had thought that it would make him feel miserable at first, after a few days he noticed that he was actually feeling more relieved than sad. He knew that even if his parents now avoided him, he still had cats around him that cared about him. Hawk, Cold and maybe even Honk, Shroom and Blaze. His first training lessons started just the next day and he knew already after one day that this was the right path.


Soon his friends set off to their Quest of Belonging, while  he had to stay back at camp. He wasn't ready yet himself for it, since  his late change to the Prey Hunters. 

On one of those days alone, the tug towards the tunnels suddenly became unbearable. https://toyhou.se/~literature/62378.a-broken-promise

When Honk, Shroom, Cold and the rest of their group came back from their Quest of Belonging, they brought with them the news of a fire raging on the other side of the mountain they lived next to. Worry spread through the Tribe, though Thorn told them not to worry. Their valley would be safe. Not everyone believed him and the worry stayed with the Tribe.

At the age of 20 moons the day finally came for the start of his Quest of Belonging. Having a little talk with Hawk before he was to go off with his group.


And then they left camp. Beach where Waves Crash, Echo of Shattered Ice, Soft Feather carried by Wind and himself were now on their own. Or at least they thought they were when Buggy, their Prey Hunter Speaker all of a sudden stopped them on their way. He was worried about the fire, worried that their Path Finder wouldn't even try to search for an escape route if the fire was to come over the mountain. And so he asked the To-Be's to search for a way over the river that trapped them at the mountain, instead of going the normal way every To-Be has gone before them.

Seeing the Speakers worry the group decided to help out and do as Buggy said. Taking the traveling herbs he had offered them they set off on their new Quest. It was tricky to avoid patrols on their search, as Buggy had asked them to keep this a secret from the rest of the Tribe for now. But in the end, they found a beaver dam which was easy to cross and got to the other side without being detected and found a safe home for their tribe there, if they were ever forced to abandon their camp. After two days of staying in that new place, making sure it was safe, they set back again to camp. Arriving as full members of the Tribe.


While they had helped out their Tribe, it felt weird to be welcomed back as a full Prey Hunter, without doing a proper Quest of Belonging. But he knew he it had been the right thing to do. The days went by and the heat still didn't go down and soon they should find out the reason as a pair of To-Be's who had started for their own Quest of Belonging just the previous day in a group of three came running back to camp to report that the fire had made it's way over the mountain. It was moving quickly towards them. With their way known by Tiger and his group, the tribe set out to make their way over the river as burning embers came raining down from the sky, while a small patrol went back up the mountain to find the lost member of the last group who had set out to their Quest of Belonging.

While many of them managed to get to the other side safely, the Claw Guard Speaker Salmon died on the patrol who had searched for the lost member and many others died of the after effects from the fire and it's smoke. But the life in the tribe had to move on as they were with little resources on a new territory in the middle of leaf-bare. Tiger deeply mourned his old home, especially when he looked over the river to the other side only to see burned trees and ash covered grass.
