Patrol At The River Bank [Quest]

3 years, 10 months ago

After leading his very first patrol, Tiger and his patrol are coming back to camp. Not much happened and everyone is save for now, but was it really successful?

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The sun was nearing it's highest point at the sky when the patrol was getting in sight of the camp again. Their paws were still a bit muddy from the river bank they had examined and all the cats seemed rather relaxed, except for the small tabby tom right at the front. Tiger that Runs through Sandstorm felt the dread creep into his fur with every step that took them closer to camp. He could already see his parents sitting not far from the entrance, waiting.

His tail twitched nervously as he looked back again at his patrol. Cold of Early Sunrise was walking close, only a little behind Tiger. His nearly never changing expression making him look very calm and at ease. A tail length behind followed the sisters Moss That Grows On Tree and Pine That Stretches Towards Sky, who were chattering about news around the tribe and laughing about a joke one of them made from time to time. At the back of the patrol followed Feather of Heron's Wing, Tiger still wasn't entirely sure if she actually was as grumpy as she looked or if she just always had that expression on her face. Looking back over to Cold one last time he took a deep breath as the patrol finally arrived at camp.

The young To-Be first just wanted to trot right back into his den to hide in his nest for the rest of the day. He just wasn't made to lead anyone, even if it was just a normal patrol. Though then he remembered, that he would have to be the one to report back to their speaker, Salmon That Leaps From River, this time. Looking around camp he tried to ignore his parents who had now noticed his return to look for Salmon. The camp was always buzzing with activity at this time of day so it took Tiger a while to find the big freckled tom with the many scars right at the edge of camp, who was just finishing the last bite of the prey that was lying in front of him. 

Slowly he made his way over to the speaker, already trying to prepare in his head what exactly he would say in his report. He would just have to tell him where they had went and what he had found. Easy enough right?

In the corner of his eyes he could see that his parents were following right behind him, they probably wanted to hear what he would say to Salmon and how the patrol went. Tiger nearly began to shake of nervousness again when he felt a slight bump at his other side. When he looked back and found Cold still next to him, he gave him a small thankful smile. At least he wouldn't be alone.

When the two To-Be's arrived in front of Salmon Tiger tried to let Colds calm influence him at least a little bit when he began to speak "I ... I'm back with the report of the patrol." Well, wasn't working all to well when he looked right into the green eye of their speaker but he was trying. "Very good, I hope everything went well." he said and after a short nod of the red tom he knew now was the time for his report. His parents had sat themselves near their small group, listening intently. Tiger tried to make out in which mood they were at the moment, but their expressions were hard to read so he decided to concentrate once more on the task at hand.

"I decided to patrol at the river bank. We ... we checked the area for smells and ... tracks, because of the giant." he slowly started to stutter out his report while his paws had yet again started to knead the ground at his nervousness. "I ... I thought if the giant was around he would need to go to the water to drink." That had of course not been his intention when he had chosen the river bank to patrol. But it was a good lie to tell so it wouldn't seem like he had just chosen this task because it was the most peaceful one, even if that was exactly why he had picked it.

"Though we c-couldn't find any trace of it. There were only a fox, a badger and the ... the track of a bear cub. The Prey Hunters might want to look out for them? But ... they didn't seemed to want to attack us or anything. Also there were lots of fish in the river ... that might also be of interest ... for the Prey Hunters." When Salmon was still looking at him expectantly he nervously said to end his report "Ehh ... that was all. We didn't find much more."

Tiger's fur was prickling in embarrassment. He had nearly done nothing for the Clan with his patrol and couldn't even get the report to Salmon without stuttering in nearly every sentence. Salmon thought for a while and said "That's good.", after a short break he continued. "A lot of cats will sleep easier tonight. Thank you, Tiger."

With a small nod, Tiger walked away again. He knew he would have to face his parents now as well. Hopefully they would make it quick so he could finally go and hide in his nest. This time Cold kept his distance, as if he could read his mind that Tiger would need a bit more privacy while talking to his parents. He was glad though that the other To-Be still waited for him, even with a bit of distance and didn't just walk away as soon as the report was finished.

He stopped right in front of his parents, their evaluating gazes were staring right into his soul. No one said a word and as the silence dragged his ears were dropping lower and lower with every moment. "So ... you chose the river bank." his father, Wind that Whips at Mountain, then started the conversation. When the silence stretched again, growing more uncomfortable the longer it stayed, Tiger felt he had to say at least something to break it again "Y-yes?"

The young tom could see how his father was shaking his head disappointed while his mother, Night of few Stars, now stared him down with her hard gaze. "Even with those easy tasks you got, I thought you would at least act like a real Claw Guard and chose the fight. A scar is a scar, even if it's from a pathetic creature like a goose. When do you think you want to earn your first scar? On your quest of belonging, or even after that?" she berated him with a harsh voice, so loud that probably every cat in the near was able to hear her. 

Tiger had sat down now, his tail tightly wrapped around himself while his head sank lower with every word. He tried to not look at his paws and still keep eye contact with his parents, since that was one of the first things they had thought him. Always keep eye contact, don't show any weakness. He wasn't very good at it to say the least.

Night sighed before she continued "Tiger, you know that your father and I only want the best for you, right?" He nodded while her expectant gaze rested on him. "Good. Until your next patrol you can work hard in your training and then you will soon be ready to lead a patrol again. I'm sure of that."

When the To-Be thought their conversation was finally over his father added "Just keep in mind that one day you will have to fight. One way or another. You can't always run away son." and with that they left again.

The tabby tom then heard footsteps coming towards him. He didn't lift his head until he could hear Cold's voice say "Don't mind them. For leading your first patrol, I think you did good. You will get your chance at a fight, don't worry." With those words, Cold was now taking his own way through camp as well. Tiger was watching after him for a while, still not moving. If he would just know that exactly that was the problem. He didn't wanted to lead again and he didn't wanted to fight,

With slumped shoulders the young tom than finally was making his way to the To-Be den. He was lying down in his nest the moment he entered the den. After he had found the hawk talon still hidden there, he cuddled it near his body and hid his face behind his tail, hoping that he wouldn't have to do anything else today.