


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Shea

Gender: Female 

Species: Soshi

Permanent Mate: Caspian

Element: Crystal 

Creator: Kakesuwolf 

Obtained: March 16, 2020 

Personality: Intelligent, Curious, Loyal, and Protective

Bio: Shea was once a loner who traveled the world after leaving the pack she was born into. Rarely staying in one place for long it was nit until she meets her life mate Caspian that she finds a place to call home. (The Spirit Pack = ch 1 Shea meets Caspian). It was a surprise to her that she felt so conferable and at peace in a place were others would feel only despair and unease. It did not take much convincing to get Caspian to agree to let her stay and keep him company. 

The seasons passed by a Shea looked after the territory and those whom dwelled with it. While Caspian focused on maintaining the cemetery that housed the gateway that he has guarded for as long as he could remember. It was many seasons later when Shes became pregnant with their first pup. Much to Caspian's delight their first born turned out to be a male whom they named Casper. A few season later saw they family grow again with the birth of their second offspring. This tine the pup was female and she was give the name Pandora.