The Spirit Pack

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
1 375

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

The story of the Ashi Shea and her mate Caspian. Glimpses of their past and how the came to be together and form a pack of their own. (Ashi are part of a CS group.)

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Shea Meets Caspian


As I was walking through the forst past an old cemetary. The moon light filtering through the trees hitting the crystals that grow from my body casting an odd light across the path. As I followed the path past the cemetery i paused looking through the grave stones I saw a light shining and simmering as it wove around grave markers. Curiosity drew me off the path and into the cemetery. I walked past the broken stone wall and into the graveyard moving slowly forward.

I approached the light as it filter about the center miniter cathedral and froze in surprise as I terned the corner. Before me was a transplant spirit. His fur gave of a silver glow and he had soul candles growing from him. He froze in surprise and we stared at each other our light seemed to blend together merging and intensifying.

Finally I relaxed and bowed my head in greeting as I spoke.

"Hello, my name is Shea. I was passing by and saw a light. I had to see were it was coming from."

His eyes scanned me taking in the crystal reflected moonlight and when he spoke his voice seemed to echo and whisper at the same time.

*"You are brave young Shea to come here. Most tend to avoid this place this place. Thay say that it's home to the eternally demand and they are right in a way."*

His eyes took on a distant look as if thanking back upon a long ago time. 

"I have herd these stories before. Though I never give them much stock. After all how can such a small place house all those passed with evil in their hearts."

He chuckled at my remark. I enjoyed the sound of his voice.

*"Your certainly intelligent. Yes this small cathedral is but the entrance it the realm of those eternally dammed. I am the guardian of this place and its surrounding lands. You may call me Caspian. It's been a long time since I've had some to visit with."*

He twisted around me and sent back to his den. I followed along curiously wondering what I can learn from this ancient being. I grinned as I settled on the surprisingly confterble ground.