The Dark Knight Coaster


Basic Info

Full Name:

The Dark Knight Coaster

Responds to:

DKC, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Coaster





Age(As Coaster):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Derek K. Corsten



Height(As Humanoid):



The Dark Knight Coaster(SFGam),The Dark Knight Coaster(SFM)(Identical Twin Siblings),Descente en Schlitt'(Nigoland),Vilde Maus(Bakken)(Fraternal Twin Siblings)

Date Of Birth/Opening:

May 15th, 2008

Date Of Death/Closure:


Location In Park:



Mack Rides

Coaster Track/Structure Type


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Six Flags, Six Flags Great Adventure, Mack Rides, and DC Comics.


The Dark Knight Coaster is an oddity in the mostly-hero-aligned Great Adventure. While not outright villainous, DKC is not a person to be trusted. He is a “knowledge broker”, someone who sells information to others. DKC only does things to benefit himself; it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process. DKC and his siblings in Gurnee and Mexico City have become infamous for being shady dealers across the SF chain. Still, they get business from Coasterdroids and humans alike. Dark Knight appears to lack any strong emotions and the desire to connect with his neighbors; therefore, he doesn’t really have any friends. However, Joker and Harley spend the most time with him (and being alone does get boring after a while). He has a good relationship with his siblings despite the type of work they do and the three of them will work together every so often. Dark Knight has a habit of appearing just when a person could need his services (or right behind them for a scare); it is unknown if he can teleport or is just good at sneaking around. Years of collecting lost phones, wallets, and generally snooping around have made him quite knowledgeable. He has a large computer set-up (hidden from humans, of course) in his ride building, where he does most of his work. Outside of his work, DKC is fittingly interested in all things macabre (though he prefers psychological horror over gore). DKC will leave his customers alone once they pay him, but failure to pay will result in him stalking/toying with the offending customer until he gets his payment. No matter what you need, DKC will always be there, waiting in the shadows (and make sure to smile…or he’ll put one on for you).