📈 Florence



4 years, 3 months ago



modern au
defense attorney
late 20s

he grew up with loving fathers. when he was young, he was very bright and very principled, but also very timid. he felt very self conscious however, and instead wanted to be strong and important like ayslin during his time in the navy. recognizing this, ayslin tried to support his son as much as he could, encouraging him out of his shell, tailoring him nice clothes woven with love and spells, giving him hearty (but awkward) pats on the back as any father would. he flourished on the debate floor and was able to go to college early and straight into law school. with each victory and each success, he grew more arrogant and cocky, and he started to set his sights higher and higher. once he graduated and got into a law firm, he aimed to immediately take the hardest cases and prove that he was a good defense attorney. undefeated in court, soon more shady clients started to ask for his help. he didn't bat an eye and took in these clients for more money, abandoning his sense of principle and dignity as a child. he's very lax and does not mind mixing up his personal and professional life, and he even at times actively seeks to muddy the relationships in both personal and professional spheres just to fuck with everyone.

img credit || code by icecreampizzer