Jesse Roux



4 years, 2 months ago


Jesse Roux
Male (FtM Transgender)
Body Type
Works out, lean.
Freelance prop maker and engineer.


Dec 7th • Sagittarius • Hyena • Maroon

+French born in France now currently living in London in a studio apartment.
+Has no relationship with his parents what-so-ever.

Jesse is a very angry, angry man with a lot of issues he is slowly trying to overcome as he continues through life. Because of his rough past, Jesse never truly had a chance to really get a break in life, and lost a lot more than he's gained. It's only now in his older years he is becoming more true to himself, and finding a path in life that he's happy with, even if it doesn't seem like much.

Jesse has recently reconnected with an aunt who had always vouched for him and, at one point, wanted full custody. She is left with Jesse’s younger brother whom his parents have also disowned for unknown reasons. He is happy to at least have some family back in his life.


  • Mechanics and Engineering
  • Tech
  • Cars
  • Making props
  • Homemade food


  • Cooking
  • Betrayal
  • Being treated as something other than human
  • Being the center of attention
  • Moist bread
"Piss off!"


Jesse has come to terms with what he is in terms of his gender identity, his body, and the differences he has compared to the "norm" and has learned to let go of the people in his life that try and tell him otherwise so he can be proud of being the trans man he is. Even if his life's been lonely, Jesse would rather wait for real friends to come into his life, than to deal with people who would just bring him down. Unfortunately because of everything he's been through, he finds himself needing to validate himself to others from time to time, and his self-confidence isn't the best, but he'll soon find that the more accepting people in his life begin to really help him heal.

With that being said he has ran into a very close friend by the name of Jeffery, whom he met working at a local liquor store. Jeffery had been by his side since the beginning of his transition and is still a positive totem in his life. He’d kill for Jeffery and could not live without him. He is truly a best friend Jesse could ask for.

Recently he has found himself fond of a certain bar tender by the name of Adiel, and is now helping him with his own sexual identity. They are currently engaged and living together in a new flat, along with Adiel’s best friend Dre who is trying to get his life together. They are the parent friends.


• Hair is maroon and goes past his chin.

• Has two prominent birth marks on the left side of the bridge of his nose.

• Hazel eyes and freckles on his cheeks.

• On the back of his neck is a tattoo of two knives side by side, a switchblade and cooking knife, which represents himself and his fiance.

• Is harier than he'd like to be, but he'll take it.

• Is beginning to dress better thanks to Adiel, usually donning adidas hoodies, pants, and slim jeans.


• Is FtM (Female to Male) Transgender

• Currently working on own cosplay prop business.

• Owns a white cat named Hima and orange chubby tabby named Pharoh

• Doesn't feel he needs bottom surgery, feels complete as is

• Is learning to manage his anger and not punch first.

• Loves cars.




An unlikely couple, Jesse had always known Adiel as the hot bartender who came to get his weekly liquor restock at the store he worked at. Like a blur, the next thing he knew they were both sharing a bed and figuring out their feelings. The ride was in no way smooth, at all, and a lot had to be solved and figured out. Hell, they had even ghosted each other for a couple months because of a blow up- and it wasn't until they both had decided "wow, this is making me miserable, I miss him" did they finally share I love yous, and become inseperable.



Best Friend
"You don't have to do this alone." Jeffery was the school mate and co-worker Jesse would've never thought he'd needed. Having already needing to figure out a majority of his life and transition process on his own, he was tired, stressed and scared. It wasn't until an orange haired, freckled co-worker reached out a hand that Jesse found himself never letting go. Jeffery was there to help him save for his top surgery, was there when Jesse came out, and has continued to be there through thick and thin. A life without Jeffery is honestly not a life Jesse would ever want to live.


Daniel "Danny" Diaz

A new friend Jesse has recently made during one of his first time tabling at a convention with his cosplay product. An artist himself, he works on fan made sculpts and had admired Jesse's work for a while. He was also happy to find someone open about being transgender trying to run a business proudly, being FtM transgender himself. Happy to find someone he can related to, Jesse immediately took Danny under his wing (even if the other was older) and grew a protective nature. Their relationship begins to grow, and they plan on collabing on future works as well, just happy to find someone who can share similar experiences.


Alec Ford

Ivan's boyfriend's brother- Alec and Jesse clicked immediately over their love and admiration over cars and vehicles. Their relationship still grows, but it's vroom vrooming along quite well.

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