


4 years, 1 month ago
x p18


Lord Giroldan


"Your lord commands you to fight. Do no disappoint me."


Name: Sir Giroldan [jer-all-din]
Age: 52
Nickname: Lord Giroldan, "Bear", The Black Knight
Sexuality: [undisclosed]
Gender: Male
Build: Broad 
Demeanor: Chivalrous
Occupation: Lord, Knight


  • Chivalry & honor
  • Singing 
  • Solitude
  • Battle


  • Noble obligations
  • Marriage
  • Criminals
  • Peace times


Stoic, Chivalric, Caring, Harsh, Responsible, Mature, Rational, Selfish, Prudent, Wise, Knowledgeable, Respectful, Commanding, Domineering, Witty

Giroldan acts like your typical knight in most aspects. He's honorable and chivalric, but he has his own manners of doing things. He is responsible, but he rather be alone than fulfill his obligations as a lord. He's mature, but acts on selfish impulses. However, he truly does care for those under his ranks and on his land. He looks out for them and keeps their best interest in mind as well as his own. He just knows that he's able to get away with some of his desires because of his rank. This does not mean that he's rash or cruel, he is simply harsh. He does things a certain way and expects a certain amount of loyalty and commitment to a task. He's very good at stamping down rumors for the most part. He's very well respected despite some errors he's made. Some may call him hypocritical and that his ideals do not meet his actions, but he believes that he is just and so do his men.

The Black Knight

Lord Giroldan is a famous lord who is so dedicated to the kingdom and the codes of chivalry that he works as a knight despite his privilege. Lord Giroldan is the type of man who thrives in the time of war. It means he doesn't have to be at home and surveying his lands and collecting taxes. He can go out and fight and be the knight he always wanted to be.

Giroldan was arranged to marry at a young age. They were married and he inherited he's family's lands. He and his wife loved each other, but they also each had their own lovers as well. Unfortunately, his wife got sick and died before her time. For a while while he was still married, Giroldan's lover was Locklyn's mother, but she ran off suddenly one day. He didn't find out about Locklyn's existence until his ex-lover's death.


  • Rat is Giroldan's loyal knight despite their many differences, they stand up for each other
  • Giroldan is sometimes nicknamed "Bear" because of his relationship with Rat and his large presence on a battle field
  • He's got a large following of knights who believe in him and what he fights for

NSFW Info below, 18+ only

  • Biggus dickus. Why do you think he's called "The Bear?"
  • Top
  • A bit of a sadist, huge tease, aftercarer if necessary 
  • DOM
  • Not necessarily nsfw info, but he's VERY hairy and covered in scars, (so some patches don't grow hair with the scarred skin) (Bear)
  • Sleeps around a lot and gets away with it without punishment because of his titled
    • does not care if he sleeps with people who are already married or committed or not 
  • Loves different fantasy species and the unique pleasures they bring, and their unique bodies to admire
  • Not above leaving someone tied to his bed all tie so he can come back to them later 
  • Is actually a very tender and loving lover
  • One Night Stands OR concubine-esque relationships are most common
  • Truly does want a longer lasting companion, but he's a  very busy man who tends to be a bit of a loner, so he doesn't expect much and is used to being alone
  • Extremely fertile. Probably has a lot of kids. Only some of which he knows about. But he is willing to financially support them if he can. 
  • Bondage!! tie you up or tie him up
  • Dirty talker, it just comes naturally to him
  • extremely growly moans (again, Bear)
  • Paddles and spanking? YES 
  • Cum, he likes it

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