
4 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Ischael Kramning (Eesh-ay-el)
Nicknames: Ish, Blue
Species: Geludite
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 24
Height: 5'6 in / 168 cm
DOB: Nimadri 25
Personality Traits: Bipolar*, chill, pensive, thoughtful, reserved, quiet-natured, friendly, has episodes of OCD-like symptoms, prefers to hide stress
Occupation: Food court vendor
Likes: Smoking drugs, comfortable clothing, cuddles, "organized chaos", art, writing, naps
Favorite Thing: Short story anthologies, with old book smells
Dislikes: Needles, his tail or ears being pulled, really sour food, alcohol, bugs & "buzzing"
Fears: Feeling out of control
Romantics: Bisexual
Relationships: Future Mates: Ruben, Kat, Zheng, tba; Friends w/Zaak, Oni, August, J.J.

-Exhibits traits of bipolarism; can sway from manic, energetic compulsive episodes and depressive ones. He believes that smoking drugs takes the edge off, but they don't necessarily help all of his symptoms. He's gotten sick from certain medications, and struggles to remember his new ones.
-His symptoms really started showing at the death of his father, who also had bipolarism. This came during a time he was really stressed out about his studies as well, considering becoming a nurse. He would panic about his path to the point where he stayed away from school for months and tried to focus on working instead. Now he isn't exactly sure what he wants to do with is career, and is "taking it slow."
-He does his best to hide any stress he has, hating to think he will worry those he cares about. He's no stranger to putting on a smile no matter how he's actually feeling. His partner(s) tend to see right though him, though.
-He likes to write short stories that either explore the human psyche, are incredibly random, or both. There is no in between. He isn't much of an artist himself, but he likes to support those who make it. His favorites are ones that are abstract and open to interpretation.

- Gemstone: Blue Chalcedony (Uncommon)
- Ears: Uncommon
- Eyes: Uncommon
- Teeth: Uncommon
- Saliva healing: Uncommon
- Mutation: None
Overall rarity: Uncommon

Purchased 3/19/2020 ($15); Masterlist #24